"Group Couple"?

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Jess' pov:

I walked through the large doors that held many of the people I would be seeing often soon. This was it, I'm finally going somewhere with my life.

I glanced over the group quickly before I chose a spot beside Niall, as she instantly began a conversation with me. "Hey love, name's Niall, but you probably already know that." He said as he winked, holding his hand out for me to shake it. I softly smiled at him, taking his hand as he shook it lightly. "Heeeeey, name's Jess, but you probably know that now." I said mocking him, slightly looking over his shoulder to look at Liam who had a fixed stare on me.

My eyes situated back at Niall, him weaving his hand in front of my face in a quick motion. "Did you hear me? Helllooooo, earth to Jess." He said in frustration. "What? I'm sorry, I blanked out." I said, looking into his eyes again. He began to try and repeat himself, but one of the managers, Rob, had spoke loudly gaining all of our attention. "Well, let's get started shall we?" He rose up, glancing at each of us, he seemed a bit more intimidating than before, but that's probably because he's in front of these boys that need to stay calm.

"Hello everyone, this is the first official group meeting that we will be having until the actual date of your tour, Jess, next week we will work on the songs that you will be performing, and boys, the same goes for you. But until that happens, we need to discuss a few ground rules before we go on with this." Rob said, all the boys groaning in displeasure, it can't be that bad?

"Right," he began again, everyone focusing their attention on him again. "Rule #1, while on tour, you need to ask us or your security guards for permission to go anywhere. On break, you can go anywhere you like, but you will still have security around you. Rule #2, no partying or drinking, this may be hard, considering you guys were recently in this situation, but that was the past, you guys now need to follow this rule. If you feel the need to go out and party, you must also ask management or security, and you will be monitored. Rule #3, no sexual contact in or around public and the tour bus. We need to be a bit more "modest" no pun intended, and not bring girls around everywhere. Which brings me to rule #4, no random girlfriends/boyfriends, we don't need a repeat of last tour, Harry. And lastly, rule #5, you must hand over your twitted password, or we'll make a new account for you and you'll just delete the current account." He finished, focusing mainly on me. I didn't want to delete my twitter, it has all my personal things on it, and is one of my most popular.

All the boys turned my way, staring at me, waiting for me to do something. "Alright, can I at least say it privately to you?" I asked, the last thing I need is to be embarrassed and have these boys laugh at me. "Sure, just come to me after this meeting." Rob nodded, looking beside him at Grace who was gathering papers that looked like contracts.

"Alright guys you've already signed these, but Jess here's the contract that you will need to abide by, and if you fail to do so, you will no longer work for us anymore, and we don't want that." She said, sliding the paper and a pen towards me. "If you must, please come to me for any questions or concerns that you have, and I'll help you out." She continued with a smile, looking towards me as I slowly took the pen in my hand and scribbled my signature on the bottom of the paper.

"Awesome." she said as I slid the paper back towards her. "You gave 3 years that you will be under our contract, and I do hope you enjoy the experience. We will handle any music videos that you wish to make, while also helping out with creating music." Grace continued. This would either be the quickest or slowest 3 years ever.

"Now," Mike, the last one of my management team, started, "We need to discuss relationships." He finished as he scanned over the group copy in what everyone else has done so far. "Zayn, you have just recently engaged Perrie, so we have nothing to worry about with you, but as for the rest of you, keep calm with this poor girl. Basically, try and keep your hands off of her, and if you do feel the need to do whatever, don't bring it to the public. That's how rumours and drama begin, and we don't want a repeat it last year, Harry." He said, eyeing Harry, him throwing his arms up in defence, "Hey, I can't help it sometimes, I really liked the girl." He smirked, the rest of the group knowing that he was lying.

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