That's what I need, a break. I need time to find myself again, that's what we need. Maybe that's one of the reasons staying home from school tomorrow will be a good thing; take those few hours before the movie, and just relax. Sleep in. Understand that yes, you're skipping school, and yes, that's wrong to you, but it doesn't mean you'll miss anything. No tests, and it's almost Thanksgiving, there's a lot to be grateful for.
Let's see. I have a fever at the moment, hopefully it goes away tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to kiss the dork on Thanksgiving, without the fear of him getting far more sick than me. But for now? I'm going to relax, and find myself again, for a few hours, because that's all it takes sometimes. A few words, typed in a quick pace, a few scribbled sentences that barely mean anything to anyone else but myself.
Try to understand me, and I'll try to understand you, but we're each other, so that's sort of ironic, isn't it? Irony, I'm pretty good at that.
I think I'll leave you here, because we both know where this is heading. Go find yourself, and I'll see you in a while.
letters lament
Poetryfind a name, or a topic, and think about it. think about it really hard. we don't use the word hard in here, we use difficult, challenging. life is challenging.