A human full of such beauty.
Full of positivity and delicacy.
The girl who carries a nice booty;)
Someone who melts my heart daily inevitably.

Dotted with little marks of perfection.
Which she looks upon with hatred.
Whereas I look towards them with eyes filled with affection.
Because she perfected my life and was the worlds beauty physically created.

Her heart is so caring.
her mind so open.
Opened me to the realisation that this is the beginning of our lives we will be sharing.
She took whatever needed and mended my broken.

Her flaws will never be flaws.
And until my last breath, I'll Always reassure.
Because thanks to her, I'll never return to who I was.
My love for her will forever be pure.

My heart now healing.
With her holding the bandages.
With her sweet words, the worst memories can start revealing.
Together, with each other by our sides, we will always be managing.

Just some shitty poems❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt