Chapter 1 - Begging

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Faiths dream might not have been real. Seriously for the past three years, its been quiet. No troubles or issues happening. Especially no dying either. Today's Jades 5th birthday. God has she grown up so much. I'm in the kitchen cooking the big chocolate barbie doll cake. Jade wanted a Barbie cake so I made her a Barbie cake. I wiped my forehead and put it in the oven. I felt cold arms snake around my waist. "How's my gorgeous cook going?" He said purring. I grinned and turned around to meet Aleriks red eyes. He bent down and licked my nose. "Chocolate on your face. I might just have to do something naughty." He growled. I giggled. "There is tiny ears in the kitchen." I whispered to him. I turned to see Jade beaming at me. "Auny Lily!" She squealed. I grinned and walked over to her. She ran and jumped up into my arms. Lifting her up I poked her nose. "Not suppose to be in here cheeky monkey." Jade giggled. "Mummy is having a bad dream auny Lily." I frowned and plopped her down on the bench. I gave her a smile. "Its alright sweety. She's gonna be fine." I said and turned towards my Alerik. "Look after her. And don't eat the cake while I'm gone." I said sternly but playfulness was there. He gave me a mocking salute and I kissed him. He kissed me back and I pulled away, heading for the stairs. Here it goes again. This is the third time over the three years. Sighing I pulled open her and Justin's too door and walked in. Faith and Justin were hugging. I coughed and made them turn their direction to me. I smiled. "Jus can you go watch those two downstairs I think their gonna eat the cake before I even ice it." He nodded and looked at Faith one last time before heading out. Those two need to say "I love you" very soon. They love each other but the problem is that each one of them doesn't know the other likes them.

Once alone with Faith I walked over to her and sat cross legged in front of her on the bed. "Faith cuz you okay?" I took her hand and she squeezed. "I don't know. This is the first one in ages. Its the same dream." I squeezed back. "Hey its going to be fine. Nothing's going to happen." I pulled her in and hugged her tight. I pulled away and grinned at her. "Now come on. Your a vampire, aren't you suppose to be a warrior or something?" I said mocking. She punched me on the arm and grinned. Her sadness gone. "Shut up human." She joked. I got up and pulled her out of bed. "Let's go before the boys and Jade eats the cake. I don't want to make another." She laughed and we headed downstairs towards the kitchen. I walked in and found Jade and three boys sitting at the oven. Children. I turned towards Faith and I nodded to her. "I believe no one is getting cake." I joked but they didn't seem to get it. "Oh sweety no. We have to have cake." Alerik said trying to coax me. I shook my head. "Aw cuz seriously." Cias wined. Me and Faith burst out laughing. "Out of my kitchen you four. Go wait in the living room." They pouted. Five year old Jade ran up and hugged Faith. I grinned at the two. So cute. "Mummy?" Jade asked Faith. "Yes sweety?" She said. "Are you kay?" Jade said frowning a bit. Faith grinned and kissed her forehead. "I am sweety. Now come on presents." Jade beamed and jumped up and down. "Let's go!" She said. I grinned. "Be there in a sec." They all nodded and followed after the squealing Jade. I laughed and got out the cake. I'll let it cool first. After setting the cake down I went to the highest locked cupboard and pulled out my gift to Jade. It was a gold love heart pendant. Meant for luck and safety. I walked out and found gift wrapping all over the floor. Spoilt child. Jade was playing with her dolls. "Jade." I said and everyone turned towards me. She beamed at the blue wrapping in my hand. I walked closer and kneeled in front of her. "I have a special present for you." I said in a soft sweet tone. She giggled. I handed her the box and she unwrapped it. Her face lit up once she opened the box. "You like it Jade." She nodded and jumped on me, hugging me with her tiny body. "Thanks auny Lily!" I laughed with her. "Welcome cheeky squeaks." I said grinning. Jade yawned and slumped onto me. "Bed Time Jadey." Justin said. I nodded and handed sleeping Jade over to him. He hummed and walked Jade upstairs to her room. I slumped to the floor and frowned. I have never had a family like this ever. No one wanted me. I still don't know why my parents sent me away. If they were alive I would yell at them the next second I see them. "Lily?" Faith asked. My cousin. I shook it away. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." They didn't seem to beleive me but didn't push. A knock came at the door. Who could that be. We never get visitors except Mrs Coldman next-door. I stood and walked over to it. I unlocked it and swung it open. I was thrown back and I smashed into the wall. "Lily!" I heard Cias scream. I looked up to see a man with stormy gray eyes and jet black hair grinning at us. "Hello my family." He said in a deep dark voice. Who the fuck is this?

"What the hell is going on down here!" I yell as I run down stairs. I almost burst into tears when I see the same evil man from my dreams standing in front of us. "Ahhhh Kalous was right. You are beautiful." he says and I growl. I pull the small knife out of my belt and zoom up to him. I go to stab him in the stomach but he grabs my wrist. "And you've got fire." he says as he twist his hand causing my wrist to snap. "You'll make a fine queen." he says and with that he zooms off into the night. I didn't care about my wrist or anything else. I slumped to the floor and tears fell down my face. He's real. Justin came running up to me and I saw everyone trying to get my attention but I couldn't respond. I was frozen in fear. I felt my head getting lighter and lighter. I was lifted up as the darkness pulled me under.

"HEX!" I yelling running into his office and slamming the door behind me. "What is it Faith?" He ask and then notices the blood dripping from my lips. "What has happened?" He asks and I begin crying. "Theres this man...and he..hes scaring everyone...saying I'm on his side...theyre calling me a traitor before" I say trying to wipe my face. "I attacked her...Lily...she called me a traitor...threw things at me...shes dead" I said and then i notice the two figures sitting in the chairs. "Mr and Mrs Raven, what should your daughters punishment be?" He asks and my parents turn around to face me. "Mum? Dad?" I say and they smile. "She should join Cellus" my mother said and the same man with grey eyes came zooming up to me and stabbed me with a knife in the heart. "This won't kill you sweetheart" he says stroking my hair as he pushes the blade further into my chest and I scream in pain "no you're just gonna go to sleep for a while" he says and I fall to the floor...I knew I was going to die.

I jolt awake sweating and screaming. Cias comes running into my room and sit beside me, "Faith I heard you screaming. Are the nightmares back?" He asked and I nodded tears dripping down my face. "M..mum and dad.. they let him get me..his name." I said and my head started pounding, "they said his name...Cellus...that's his name." I said. Cias kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep little sister, I'll be right here when you wake up okay. I wont let him hurt you." Cias said as he sat down on the chair. I curled up and tried to fall back asleep, but I knew that we were in trouble.

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