Chapter 10 - Power

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Stay there Lily. Behave like a good little human. I walk up to my room and walk out onto the balcony. I look out at the forest surrounding the castle. Tall dark trees and the slight sound of a river. I look down and see Alerik standing there. His eyes glowing red with anger and I glare down at him. "I wanna talk" he says and my vampire hearing makes it easy for me to hear. "So talk" I replied and his look softened. "What happened to you Faith?" He asks and my look softens at him. "You don't trust me either." I said and he looks away. "Probably a smart idea" I said and I see him get grabbed by Cellus and his neck quickly snapped "Quietly just as you asked princess" Cellus said and I nod. "Put him with Lily. Separate cell obviously. The mutts can go in separate from the bitch" I said and Cellus nods and walks inside. I enter the throne room and see Justin and Cias on their knees in chains. "Faith please let us..." Justin was cut off by my hand crushing his neck. "FAITH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Cias yelled and I grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up, "I got sick of being the strong one. The one who had to behave. The one who was always alone" I said and threw him to the floor. The door burst open and Cellus walked in. "Aleriks in with the girl. Separate cage though, as requested" He said and I nodded. "Take Justin to my room. We need to have a chat when he wakes up. As for this one" I said grabbing Cias by the back of the collar, "I'll take him down myself" I said as I began dragging Cias down to the cells.  "I'll come with you" Cellus said and I nodded.

"You betrayed your family. You're just like our father" Cias says as I drag him through the never ending halls. "Are you gonna talk back and defend yourself or hide like the coward you are!?" He yelled as I grabbed him and had him facing me. I zoomed and slammed him into a wall. "You think I'm a coward!" I said as I slammed a knife into his stomach and dragged upwards. I shoved my fingers inside the cut and he screamed in pain as I pulled the blade back out and my hand. "I will always protect my family Cias." I said and I threw him into the cell with Alerik. "Come on Cellus. I've had enough of them" I growled and stormed upstairs with my little stalker behind me. Time for Justin to face the music.

My sisters gone. I don't know whats twisted and corrupted her but something has. I put pressure on the still gushing wound and grunted in pain as I felt something move inside of me. "Alerik" I said and punched Alerik in the shoulder. He grunted and rolled over. "Wake up" I said and he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm gonna kill that bitch and her little backup boy" he said and he then noticed the wound flowing with blood. "Oh shit man are you okay?" He said and I grunted. "Get it out. There's something in there" I said and he grabbed my hands and moved them away. "Hang on man" Alerik said as he slammed his hand into the cut and I grunted and bite my teeth to hold back a scream. I can feel myself heal and I let out a breath of release as Alerik removes his hand and holds up a small metal key. "That little bitch" Alerik says and I smile. "That smart little bitch" I said as I see the word carved into the handle of the key. "Barker" I whispered and then smiled. "The old tree house" I said as I grabbed the key and unlocked the cell door. "God Faith I'll never doubt you again i promise" I said and I zoomed over to Lilys cage. I unlocked her door and opened it. "Get away from me!" She yelled and I put my hand over her mouth. "Lily we wont hurt you I promise. We're here to help you" I tell her and Alerik holds up Jades necklace. "T..that's exactly like my necklace" She says and I nod. "This is Jades" I tell her and she shys back. "Jade. Small child. Green eyes" she says and I nod. She smiles a little and we help her out of the cage. "I've seen her before" She says and Alerik grabs her. "You'll see her soon" he says and We're about to zoom off before Alerik looks at me. "What about Justin?" Alerik says and I look at him and speak confidently, "I trust Faith" I said and he nods. We zoom off and head home. I'll go to the treehouse later. Right now, we need Lily to remember.

The black haired boy held onto me like I was going to get blown away by the wind. It kinda hurt. But comforting at the same time. "Where are we going?" I asked softly. They don't turn around but I knew a grin was in their faces. "Home." They said in sync. We got to what looked like the castle grounds. We are leaving for good. I hope. No more taking orders from Faith, Cellus or Kalous. I growl at the though of his name. My holder turned to me and frowned. "What's wrong." He asked and brushed a stray of hair away from my face. "This guy named Kalous. He's back apparently from " Hell." Both boys stilled and faced me entirely. "What!? Kalous as mean evil looking Kalous?" The boy up front asked. I nodded and looked between the boys. "Why? Do you know him?" I asked still looking confused. My holder tightened his grip. "Don't we ever." He mumbled. We kept moving on until I heard loud heavy foot steps behind us. I turned and found Cellus and Kalous. "Going so soon? The party's about to start." I moved away and behind the boys. Cellus laughed. "Little Lily, come to me. Now." I shook my head but my feet carried me. I got half way when I was pulled back. I sighed when I was held by safe hands. The boy at front charged for Cellus. He was knocked away. "Tut tut, play nice Cias son." Kalous mocked. Cias the one on the floor growled and got up again. I was pushed back and the dark haired boy charged for Cellus. Cellus had a knife out ready for him. Kalous was gone, probably scared off by Cias. Now it was two between one. I bit my lip and looked between them. "Alerik and Cias. Ready to dance?" Cellus joked. Alerik, the dark haired boy growled. Cias slammed into Cellus but that only resulted in Cias falling back. I winced at the impact. I saw the knife in Cellus hand before he could stab Alerik. Something in me charged. I ran and stepped in front of Alerik. I gasp at the pain. I looked down to see a knife imbedded in my stomach. Just as I was falling I heard a girls scream. I thought it was my own but it was Faiths. I hit the ground with a thud. I clutched my stomach and looked at the cloudy sky, which could be my last time. "LILY!" A males voice. Alerik popped in my line of vision. Tears streaming down his eyes. I  turned my head to the side and looked to find Faith arguing with Cellus. "Lily stay with me. I'm going to fix you okay?" I couldn't talk. He picked me up and the pain was too much. I yelled at it. Cias came to help Alerik. "We need to go now." Cias barked. In light of speed we were in a house, I think. Alerik put me down which caused me to grunt. My vision was now starting to waver. A little girl with green eyes came over to me and started sobbing. Jade. I slowly and painfully lifted my hand to touch her face. "I... Its o... Okay. Im... Fine..." I choke out. The blood now coming out of my mouth. Jade leaned down and kissed my forehead. I gasp. I felt lightheaded. I wish I could say good bye. The boys came into the room and tried to say something to me or was it to Jade, I don't know because all these memories came at once.
I think I know who I am.

Lily gasps one minute and the next she's silent, eyes closed. I run to her and check her pulse. Its not there. I turn to Cias. "Sh... She's ah..." I said through half sobs. I couldn't say it. My mate. Cias puts a hand on my shoulder. "You know there is other ways man." I looked up at him. "She's going to hate me when she wakes up though." Cias shook his head. Yeah she's gonna be pissed. I asked her last year if she wanted to turn and she didn't. I accepted that. "If you love her and she love you, then you should be together." He said. I do love her. I looked at Jade. She was still crying. "Get Jade upstairs, she doesn't need to see this." I say and he runs her upstairs and then comes back. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and pulled down Lily's collar. I love you Lily. I promised to keep you safe. I bit into her neck and making sure to release my venom. I hear her gasp which gives me a relieve sigh. She started to thrash in my arms. Cias was there to hold her down. About done Lily stops and I pulled back. "Its done." I said and curled my hands between Lily's. She's asleep now. Should wake tomorrow morning. "We need to change her clothes." I nodded. "I'll do it. Can you get a rag." I said to him and he sped away. I kissed Lily's limp hand. I love you my Lily.

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