Chapter 13 - fighters

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Oh thanks god for that. Smart girl Lily. Everything was gonna be....AHHHHH....I screamed in pain. I look down and see blood pouring from my stomach. "Oh Faithy, you're not a smart girl" my father says as he twists the blade in my stomach once again. "What are you gonna do about it huh!?" I yell and he removes the knife. "I'm not gonna do anything" he says as he drags me down the hall into a room. "Jyrax on the other hand has some unfinished buisness. Jyrax, you have full control over her until I return" my father says as he pushes me in the room and closes the door. I watch as the door disappears and leaves me in a room with no way to escape. I stand up and turn around to see Jyrax sitting down on the couch. "How are you hear Jyrax" I hissed and he gave me sweet little puppy eyes. "You didnt send me to hell sweetheart. You sent me to purgatory. Now come here" he says and I unintentionally walk over to him. He grabs me and pulls me onto the couch and I growl the minute he touches me. "Now now be nice. You're gonna treat your new master with respect" he says as he leans in closer to me. "Kiss me Faith" he says and I quickly peak his cheek then stand up. "Happy?" I said and before I walked to far I'm pulled back down and this time I'm straddling his waist. "Dont move" Jyrax says in a commanding tone and I'm forced to do as he says. Jyrax clicked his fingers and I was no longer wearing my jeans and my black tank top. I'm now in a tight short red dress and my hair was tied up. "Thats better" he says as he trails kisses up my neck. "I want you to act with me how you would if Justin did this to you" he says and fear runs through me. Jyrax returns my focus to him and places his lips on mine. I wanted to push away and punch the living daylights out of him but I couldn't. My feelings seemed like what I felt when Jyrax kissed me before I went to sleep because of this stupid curse. Jyrax slid his hands up the side of my dress as his tongue explored my mouth. I couldn't help but kiss him back. I felt Jyrax hands move around under my dress and I couldn't help but gasp a little when Jyrax ran his fingers over my entrance. Jyrax smiled as he kissed down my neck and slowly pushed a finger inside of me. I moaned a little and Jyrax stopped kissing my neck and looked at me. "Moan inside my mouth sweetheart" he said as he brought his lips to mine once more and kissed me rougher. He rubbed my entrance over and over again and I couldn't help but moan as Jyrax continued to explore me further. My actions weren't mine to control but my thoughts still were. I knew id remember all of this and probably puke at even the mere thought of this. Please hurry Lily. Get me out of here.

"Argh where is it!" I grumbled in the dusty library of Hex's. Gosh where is the damn thing. I tell ya, Hex has too many spell books. I walked up to the fireplace and dragged my hand over it. Something bumpy touched my palm. I stopped and looked at the small square part of the fireplace. I pushed it and it opened. A book lay there in dust. I got it out. It was brown and all worn looking. Woven. I grinned and ran down the stairs and out the door inhuman speed. I flew right in the door and straight to the living room. I sat down at the coffee table and opened it and searched for the page I desperately need. No not Hinkie what ever the hell that is. No I don't need that one. What would you do for loves curse or whatever. "Lily?" Alerik and the boys walked in. I didn't look up when I spoke. "Yes? I can't do much I'm kinda busy." I heard someone scoff. I grumbled and looked up. "Is there a problem? Cause right now I know how to fix Justin's little curse." Justin's head snapped to mine and he zoomed over to me. "You what!?" I smiled and nodded. "Yup now if you don't mind I have work to do." He smiled and left the room, the boys following. I looked at Alerik back. His shoulders squared and his muscle taught. I could see those gorgeous muscle flex. Stop it. Not going there. I shook my head and turned the page. Oh my God yes! I found it. Curses of love. Okay I got this all I need is, pixie dust and the family members blood then a simple spell for the victim and the person who has the curse. Simple. Easy. How would I get pixie dust. "Cias!" I called to him. He should know. He came in and frowned. "Yeah." I smiles. "How would I get pixie dust?" He raised his eye brows at me. "We have some. Its in the attic. I'll get some." I grinned at him. "Thanks!" He nodded and disappeared then was with pixie dust the next. He went and left me to focus. Okay what now? I vamped to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and grounder. I took my knife and cut my hand. "Woah Lily!" I looked up at Alerik. I frowned. "Not now." I dripped the remaining blood in the bowl and wiped my hand anyway. Grabbing the bowl I vamped speed out and away from Alerik. I'm never trusting him again. Never. He broke the very promise I made to him. To not turn me into a monster. Shaking away the thoughts I crouched down and looked at the spell book again. I looked at the bowl and put my hands over the top of it. Now for the spell. "Contractus autem contrita amores maledictionem, sanguinem enim animarum obligatione dilexit maledictionem." I spoke softly but harsh making the words form. My hand glow and the bowl vibrates. Once it was done I smiled. Spell complete. The curse will be broken if Justin drink both viles of this. I vamped to the lab in the attic to grab two viles. I went back downstairs and out the spell blood in the viles. "Boys! Come in here!" I yelled and looked at the viles. I actually did magic. Hex should be proud. They walked in and crossed their arms. I held out the viles. "I did it. Justin's curse should be over if he drinks this. But he needs to drink both." He grinned and charged at me, hands out for the viles. I snatched them back. "Calm down. Now you have to sit for this. You will be knocked out for a few seconds then come back. Then wa la! Curse broken." He nodded. He sat down. I grabbed his arm and looked for his vain. "This is going to hurt." He looked confused but he didn't have time to say anything because I injected the pixie dust. I apologized to him. I handed the vile to him and he drank the first one, grimacing at the taste. I gave him the last one and he downed that in seconds. I stood and glared at him. "While you are out your going to feel tingly. That tingle is a thread that you have to cut. Think of it is as string and you have scissors ready to cut it apart. Do that. Now close your eyes." He obeyed and he was out. This has to work. I did it Faith. Your coming back to us. I promised I would get you back. And I'm keeping that promise.

We sat and watched Justin for a minute or so. He twitched or so but nothing unusual. He suddenly jolted up off the couch. "Did it work? The tingle snapped." I nodded. "It should work. Did you feel that thread vibrating just before you cut it?" I asked him. He nodded. Faiths part of the thread. "Why?" He asked me. Confused. "That's Faiths part of thread. The vibrations mean it worked. My spell worked." I patted Justin on the shoulder. "You my man, are going to get your girl back and I'm going to get my cousin back." I smiled and looked out the window seeing Faiths form somewhere. I got you back Faith. Hopefully.

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