Chapter 5 - The past

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I woke not long ago and just sat there on the bed. No one came in the room to check on me but I knew the boys were pacing in front of my door. Sighing I jump off the bed and go to the door. I reach for the door handle but hesitate. What if they locked it? Shaking my head I opened the door. I smiled and went into the dark halls. "Justin who are you calling?" Cias voice. I got to the stairs and found the boys at the bottom. "Hi you bastards." I hissed. Oh I was still mad at them. Well mad doesn't seem to cover it. Say pissed. The boys turned towards me. "Sorry but we had to do it." Cias said. I shook my head and walked down the stairs. "Where's Jade?" I asked. "At Mrs Coldmans." Alerik said. I nod and
went to the fridge. I opened it and nothing was in there. I slammed the fridge door shut and turned towards the boys. "Why isn't there anything left? I did grocery shopping the other day." Growling when they didn't reply I went up the stairs to Faiths room. Most well do some digging. Oh man I miss that girl. No one followed me. I went in and gapped at it. Paper was scattered, the bed half apart and the wall paper ripped. It's like someone had a whole war in here. I walked over to Faiths desk and looked over at the paper. I sat down in the not so ruined chair and opened a draw. A book lay there. I got the book out and looked at it. It looked old but new at the same time. The cover is brown and coming apart. And the spine looks old and ruined. I opened it up to a random page and read.

Dear journal

Everyone hates me. Why does everyone have to hate me? Sometimes I wish everyone can disappear or leave me alone. My cousin is trying to take Jade, Cias is I don't know, I just can't tell if he's really back, Alerik is pretending to be a friend again and Justin... Justin doesn't love me. No one does. They just say that to lie to me about their real feelings. I hate them.

I froze. This is Faiths journal. Is this what's she feels? Does she hate me and the boys that much? No, no she's just being compelled that's all. This is Cellus's doing. He's just trying to brainwash her to keep us away. Sighing I drop the journal down on the desk and lean into the chair. What am I going to do? I don't even know how to get Faith back. I got off the chair and was about to head out when a piece if paper was stuck to the wall. It was an address. 133 Digest Street. Creepy name. I got my phone out and got to maps. It's not far from here. Just a few blocks. I crunched up the paper and headed downstairs. "Where you going?" Alerik asked me as I got to the front door. "Something to eat." I lied. But he bought it. He nodded and walked over to me. "Sweety are you okay?" I gave him a lie smile. "I'm fine. Just need to eat." I lied. Seriously. I'm lying through my teeth here. "Alright." I chucked on my coat and left. I took a deep breath when I got out and headed to this place.

What felt like hours I finally got to the place I was looking for. It was a nice looking house. There were no cars here so why not go look. I smiled a little and got to the door. I reached into my hair and got out a bobby pin. I used it to unlock the door. Wa la! It opened! I went inside and massive expensive paintings greeted me. This person must be rich. I went down some halls and into some rooms and found nothing so far. No leads. I went back to the halls and a door at the far end was one room I haven't checked out yet. I walked over to the door and opened it. The door slightly creaking. I walked in and found it to be a study. Similar to Hex office at the school. I went over to the desk and a few photos of a Cellus, Faiths Father and another man. He had the same blue eyes as me and same dark hair. A creak of the floorboards behind me made me jump. "Like what you see?" I slowly turned to see Faith and Cellus standing there. I smiled slowly. "H... Hi. The ah door was open." I nervously laughed. They growled and I was pinned to the wall. "What did you find?" Cellus hissed in my ear. I grinned. "Nothing yet. Just a photo. You, Faiths dad and a human man. Who is that by the way?" No humans came to this town except my parents. I heard Faith and Cellus laugh. "You don't know do you? That's your father Lilyana." Cellus hissed. I froze. My father. Remembering the eye colours and hair. Oh my god. "Your lying. That's not my Father. My father wouldn't hang around some dick bags like you." I yelled. Cellus pressed me to the wall harder and I hissed. "Shut it." I snapped my lips close and prayed one of the boys followed me. A cold hand scraped my neck, moving my dark hair away. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but it was no use. "Let go!" No way was I getting bitten again. His finger traced my brand. I still have that ugly thing. "What's this?" He asked and I knew it was directed at Faith. "My father branded her. Cias can't use it. Only stronger more older vamps can use it  if they have a connection to the family though. The brand has different effects. Kill the victim, drain them or make them forget." I felt Cellus grin grow. "What if we could use it Faith. You said they all hate you. Why not make them pay?" He said. He held me by the neck and faced Faith. "Faith princess, didn't your cousin try to take away everything you had? Don't you want pay back?" No, no way am I having that sort of feeling again. No way. I squirmed in his grip but he way to strong. Faith had a grin on her face. "Yes. Yes let's do it," Wide eyed I squirmed and tried anything to get out of Cellus grip. "We can make her forget everything, even herself." Faith said with a more wider grin. I squirmed and tears leaked down my face.
"No! No I'm not doing this again! Faith please!" I yelled. Cellus growled and he hit my across the face making me fall to the floor. Groaning I opened my eyes. "I'll take her to the cells." Cellus said. Faith grinned but walked over to me. "Let me." Cellus considered this. He then nodded. "Alright. But put her on the rack." The rack! Faith grabbed me and hauled me down towards the cells. I didn't see much because my head was spinning. I soon found out what the racks are. Faith chained my wrists and hung them to the ceiling and I was hanging there. She then chained my feet. I tried kicking out but I was losing energy. I pray the boys will find me soon. Faith patted my knee. "Good night Lilyana. You'll soon forget." She growled. I hissed at her and she left. Oh please boys hurry and find me before I forget you.

I stormed back upstairs and looked at Cellus's smile. "Princess that was..." he was cut off by my hand connecting with his face. He looked stunned at the slap and I growled. "How did she know I was here Cellus." I growled. "I don't know princess but we'll fix this I promise." he said and I growled. I stormed into his room and started digging through his belongings. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" He asks as I search in his draws. "Where's my necklace?" I hissed and he laughed a little. "Where is it Cellus! I wont ask again" I said and he sighed. He moved his shirt down exposing my necklace. I zoomed over to him and went to reach for it but he grabs me and spins me around so my back is against his chest. "Behave princess. I need it for our little issue downstairs then I'll give it back I promise" he whispers into my ear before he sinks his fangs into my neck. I feel the same rush of energy flow through me but I still relax and sink against his chest. He moans in pleasure and I close my eyes and let me mind run empty. He stops feeding and licks the blood dripping down my neck,  "come on princess, lets go deal with Lilyana" he says as he grabs my hand. My minds still numb and I follow Cellus silently down to the cellars.

We walk in and see Lily struggling in her chains. Cellus zooms over to her and pulls the chains so she is yanked higher off the floor. Lily hissed in pain and I felt a small bit of pity for her but I ignored it. Cellus lets the chains go and Lily lets out a sigh of relief as Cellus walks back over to me. He takes my hand. "Come on sweetheart. You can do this" he says and I close my eyes. I focus on Lily and ignore her begging. "Faith please don't do this" she says and I block her out until she says the next thing. "I read your journal!" She says and I open my eyes and look up at her. "You what!" I screamed and she shied away. "I'm sorry but you're  not alone. We do love you" she says and I growl. "You'll pay" I said and went back to focusing on her memories. I heard her grunt in pain and then a gut wrenching scream escape her. The room finally fell silent. "Wh...who am I?" Lily asked and I smiled. "No one." I said and Cellus smiled. He walked over to Lily and released her, "You're name is..." he was cut off by my voice, "Little Lily...your name is Little Lily" I said and she nodded. "Three boys will come to get you soon. They will try to take you away from us. You cant let them. You have to fight" he says and she nods. "Good girl little Lily" I said and Cellus smiled. "You can get changed upstairs" I said and I smiled as she walked off. "One down...three to go" I said to myself in a room all alone. "They'll all love me soon..."

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