Chapter 14 - confusion

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I stayed outside for a while. Everything I went through, everything that happened, I couldn't stop it. I couldn't even control my own mind. How sad is that? I climbed the tree closest to me and looked out at the surrounding forest. I could feel the cold wind on my pale skin. I could hear the water flowing over the smooth rocks in the river. This was peaceful, quiet. I needed this more often. Nothing could take me away from this moment. "FAITH!" I hear someone call behind me. Alright seems like some things can take me from this moment. I look down to see Lily standing there. The things I did to her. The things that she went through. Shes a vampire because of me. I jump down from the tree and run. I ran as fast as I could at inhuman speed. I was much faster then Lily as I was much older. I ran through the forest and headed for the treehouse. I couldn't wait to see the swing I used to live on and all the hidden treasures in the floor boards. I smiled at the thought of it but pain takes over as I finally reach my child hood escape. Everything was burnt to the ground. In pieces and destroyed. "DAD!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. How could he do this. He built this tree house for us. I pushed off the ground with all my might and jump up to the treehouse. Even the inside was burnt to nothing. The entire interior looked like charcoal wood from a fire place. I could feel the wood underneath my feet slowly crumbling from where I stood. Hopefully I trip and get wood right through the heart. I've had enough of fighting. Its getting to much. I step backwards away from the burnt interior. I just couldn't believe the only thing left of my childhood was destroyed by the very person who made it. I stepped back again and the floorboards cracked and I fell. I watched as the distance between me and the treehouse grew and I waited for the pain of my body hitting the floor. It felt like forever but I eventually felt the pain of my body connecting with the floor. I felt most of my bones crack and blood pour from the back of my head. I didn't try to move. I didn't want to move. I could feel my body slowly giving out. Just before my body let go, I heard someone call my name. Someone special but before I knew who it was, pain took me into darkness

Everyone was debating where she would run off too cause Lily lost her in the woods. She should have called for one of us sooner. I raced off to the treehouse. That's the only place she'd go. I zoomed off after her. She shouldn't be alone when she see's what has happened. "DAD!" I hear yelled. I'd know that voice anywhere. Oh no. She's seen it. I raced off in search for her. She had to be okay.

I got to the treehouse just in time to see Faith hit the floor. "FAITH!" I called and zoomed over to her but she was already out. "Oh no baby girl come on you've gotta be okay. I just got you back" I whispered to her unconscious body. "Come on sweetheart...lets go home" I told her as I picked her up bridal style and carried her through the forest slowly. I didn't want to be back at the house. I just wanted to be with her. She's so beautiful. I moved the hair away from her face so I could properly see her. Yep she was beautiful. I stopped walking and brought my lips to hers. One quick kiss and I was back to walking home. The curse is broken. Lets see if I can still convince her to be with me after everything that has happened to us.

I started pacing when I gave up looking for Faith. It was no use with me. Cause I'm such a baby vamp I'm not use to the speed or what not. The front door opened and Justin came in carrying sleeping Faith. I sighed in relief. She's okay. Faith is going to be okay. My gums give off massive pain but I ignore it. "Jus, take her to her room." He nodded and took her upstairs. Cias came into my view and hugged me. Our family is back together. Faith may have some guilt to deal with but we will help her. "We have her back Lily." He said softly. I smiled sadly and sobbed. I broke down. Everything that was weighing on my the moment everything hit the fan has half fallen off. Cias pulled back and wiped away my tears. "What's wrong cuz?" I gave him a crying laugh. "I'm... I'm just happy she's back." I smiled and Cias wrapped his big arms around me.

After we hugged I made it my mission to clean the whole house. To be honest, while I was brainwashed the boys know how to make the place disgustingly dirty. I made my mission and did the dishes, laundry, cleaned the rooms, dusted, vacuumed and even moped. I think I did a good job. Jade was home from Mrs Coldmans so she's having a bath. The boys are up in Faiths room. I didn't want to go up there. I'm still starting to get my vamp thing going. I'm just glad we are all okay. For now. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a blood bag and sank my fangs into it. Mmm sheep's blood. I think this is B positive. I'm not sure. I haven't learnt all the blood types yet. Still a newbie. I heard little footfalls come downstairs. Jade grinned and ran to me. "Aunty Lily!" I grinned at her and lifted her up so she's sitting on the counter. "Look who's all squeaky clean." I said and poked her nose. She giggled. "When can I see mummy?" What do I say. Faith hasn't been herself since she got back and she hasn't really talked. Not that I know of. I smiled at Jade. "Soon sweety. Just give mummy some rest. Okay?" She nodded and rubbed her tummy. "I'm hungry." I smiled and walked over to the fridge. "Do you want me to make you something?" I ask her. She beamed. "Yes plwease." I nodded and got out the ham and cheese. I made her a sandwich. "Thanks!" She yelled and ran off. Kids. I looked to the stairs. No one has come down yet. I put the bread away just as there was a knock on the door. Who could that be? I shook my head and opened it. I stumbled and put a hand to my mouth. Josh's dead body lay at our porch. "Josh." I whisper. A piece of paper was pinned to his head. Literally pinned. I picked it up.

This is just the start of what I'll do to you Lilyana Falls. I'm going to kill you and pin you to my wall. You ruined everything.

Kalous your uncle

I broke down again and kneeled in front of Josh's dead body. No Josh.

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