Chapter 16 - On the hunt

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I heard the boys yelling. What the hell is going on. I walk out to see the front door open and Alerik surrounded by Cias and Justin. He sat crouched on the floor, his hand hovering over his heart. "What happened?" I asked and Cias looked over at me and stood up, "LILY PRETTY MUCH JUST BROKE ALERIK!" Cias yelled and my eyes opened wider. Cias isn't exactly a loud guy. "She just ripped his heart out" Justin said and Cias spun around to face Justin, "NO SHE DIDN'T CAUSE THAT PROBABLY WOULD HAVE HURT LESS! SHE JUST DENIED THE BOND!" Cias yelled and I walked past the yelling Cias and knelt down beside Alerik. "Your broken heart just gave me an idea. Justin, Cias, go find Lily for me." I tell them and they nod and zoom out after her. Alerik looks up at me, " isnt exactly gonna be nice for you either..." I said and he nodded, "I dont care, just...I need her back Faith" he says and I nod. "alright heres the plan"

I hate it when Faith has ideas its never good. Cias and I walked in silence. I remained deep in thought as Cias angrily muttered to himself. We were able to track the newbie vamp fast. It eventually led us to Cias and Faiths old house. We walk in and see Lily casually sipping on a blood bag but from the scent, it wasnt animal blood, it was human. "Lily..." I said and she spun to us. She stopped drinking and looked up at us and smiled,  "want some?" She said holding out the blood bag to us and I shook my head but Cias zoomed over, grabbed the blood bag and threw it at the wall. "Well that was rude" Lily said  "I'm not in the mood Lily" Cias says and im surprised at his next move. He grabbed Lily and threw her over his shoulder, "lets go" he says as he carries a screaming Lily out. "CIAS PUT ME DOWN I'M NOT A CHILD!" She said as she struggled against him. Well tonights been going great.

We finally get back to the house and Lilys been telling us all the ways she will kill us when we let her go. We open the door. "Alright Faith what are we gonna....FAITH!" I yelled as my eyes flickered over to my worst nightmare. Faith was straddled on Alerik lap and her lips where against his. Now my heart broke. What the hell is this. She was making out with him. How is this going to help! I stormed off and I thought I got a glimpse of pain crossing Lilys face as I stormed upstairs but I didn't care. Thanks alot Faith. You just killed me.

Something inside me snapped. I knew I was back but that wasn't my concern right now. My fucking cousin was sucking off my loves face. I growled and vamped over to her. I gripped her throat and threw her at the wall. "HOW DARE YOU, YOU BITCH!" I screamed at her. She grinned at me. Hell to the no. She ain't getting away with it this time. I vamped over to her and punched her right in the face. "DO NOT EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN." I yelled in her face. I kicked her in the stomach making her go down. No one, not even my cousin gets away with trying to take Alerik away from me. I back away and stare at her. She growls. "You were a bloody blood bag who was branded to a blood sucker and you showed the monster we could become when we dont get our way." I turn not wanting to be reminded of the human Lily i once was. The weak human girl. I found Alerik standing by the fireplace clutching his heart. I frown. I vamped over to him. I took his cheeks with my hands, memorizing the high sweep of his cheekbones, the heavier fringe of the lashes and those gorgeous dark eyes. "I'm sorry baby." I whispered and leaned towards him. I claimed his lips for mine. I pulled away with tears spilling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry." I whispered again. I backed away and ran in inhuman speed to my room. Locking the door I slid down it. I'm sorry. I broke down and couldn't stop. I didn't mean to do anything wrong. After everything then Josh, I needed to stop. And I did. But I just feel horrible. Still crying I got up and looked in the mirror. Why did I do this to myself. I took of my shoes and threw them at the mirror. I crashed everything I had on the bench to the floor. "I HATE THIS!" I screamed and went to my closet. I tore it all down. I didn't stop. My room was trashed once I was done. I was angry, depressed, sad and hungry. I wanted to kill my self. I broke the piece of leg chair from the desk and snapped it. I looked at it. Could I really do it. Sighing I crumble to the floor and stare at the piece of wood. Maybe I will but I won't tonight. Not yet. Maybe after I kill Kalous. Yes that's what I'll do. I'll kill Kalous and everyone who dares threaten or hurt my family again. I smiled a little and got up off the floor. Went over to the window and opened it. I looked back at the door. In vampire speed I wrote a quick note.

I'm sorry family. But I need to do this. He wants us all dead and I'm willing to kill him. I'm sorry for being Lily.

~ your cousin and love Lilyana

I stuck it to the wall and climbed out of the window. I jumped and ran towards Kalous. I'm coming to kill you.

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