Chapter 12 - Trapped in memories

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He kissed me. He actually kissed me. Why did I feel so faint afterwards? I walked through countless hallways. This looks like my childhood house. I get to the end of the hallway and see a mini version of me and Justin. We were so young. So friendly. He had such blonde hair back then. I looked over and saw the sweet innocent looks on our faces. "What are you two up to?" A sweet voice said. I turned and saw my mother walking towards us, he dark hair down by her shoulders. "MUM!" I yell as I run towards her. I try to wrap my arms around her but I just go straight through her. I hear a slow clapping followed by laughter behind me. I turn to see Kalous standing there,"oh that was better than I ever imagined" he says and I growl and run at him. I try to tackle him but fall straight through him. He laughs, "oh faithy I'm in your head, you'll see whatever i want to to see, like this" he says and the memory changes, my mother was dead on the floor and I was being dragged away from her corpse. I was screaming and crying. I turn back to Kalous, "you monster..." I said tears building in my eyes and he smiled, "dont worry...when I'm wont feel pain'll inflict it" he whispers into my ear before he disappears. You cant break Faith. Hold on.

"Im such an idiot. I shouldn't have kissed her. It was such a mistake. It was easier when she hated me." I whispered quietly to myself as I walk to the treehouse. I left earlier than the others. I wanted to be alone. I finally reached the old treehouse. I smiled as a memory popped into my head

"Justy push me on the swing!" Faith called as she jumped on the small swing attached to the tree. I ran up to her and pushed her. I watched as each push sent her higher on the swing. She giggled and laughed with me as she got higher and higher. When she was high up, she slipped and I heard her yelp in pain. I ran up to her and knelt down beside her, "Faith are you alright!?" I asked worried that id hurt  her. She held her ankle and it had already started bruising, Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me, "it hurts Justin" she said through tears. I pick her up bridal style and carry her slowly down to the house. At first she hissed alot at the pain in her leg but eventually she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

I smiled at the memories we once shared. Hopefully memories we will share once again. I reached the treehouse and stared at the brunt down wood and broken swing. Everything was destroyed. I fell to my knees in emotional pain..."KALOUS YOU BASTARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears begun dripping down my face. I'm so gonna kill him.

Cias filled me in with what was happening. So Faith had a plan for us to head for this treehouse. I nodded once he finished. Justin walks in the kitchen with bloody tears leaking down his face. I got up and went to his side. "Jus, what's wrong?" I asked him. I pulled him down into my chair. He rubbed his eyes. "The treehouse, its... Its burnt down." I gasp. Seriously who would do... Kalous. I turned around growling and punched a wall, making my hand go through it. "Lily!" I frowned and removed my hand. "Great now we have to fix another wall." I muttered. I paced up and down the kitchen fuming. What happens now. All our plans are ruined. Kalous is gonna die. Worse than that I'm going to make sure his body is in ashes and his soul ripped apart. A whip of pain surged through me. I winced but shook it off. This isn't fair. Faith doesn't deserve this. Smashing came from the living room where Faith was sleeping. I frowned and walked out with the three douches following. I gasp and freeze. Faith stood facing the fireplace. "Faith?" Justin asked. He was going to run to her but I held him back by the collar. "Lily!" Justin growled and shook my head. "No. Don't. Something's off." Justin glared at me. "Nothing is wrong with this Lily. Look she's up and awake." He hissed at me. I didn't flinch or even blink at him. I was going to open my mouth when Faith turned and grinned at us. "Little Lily is right. Its not Faith." She laughed. Kalous that son of a bitch. I hissed and so did the boys. "Get out of my cousin you piece of shit." I growled. Kalous shook Faiths head. He tapped her head. "You know she's screaming right now. Trying to get your attention." I growled at him. I stalked forward. "Faith cuz, listen to me. Fight him." Kalous laughed at me. "Ah family love. Lilyana Falls my niece trying to connect with her lovely cousin. It wont work." He cocked his head to the side and grinned. That's it. No more bullshit for him. I punched him in the face. I was gonna go for another one but he caught my hand. I hissed when he broke it. The boys came and tackled him. "Don't harm Faith." I breathed out. The boys briefly nodded and cast their gazes to Kalous controlling Faith. Kalous pushed the boys back sending them through the room into the walls. They were knocked unconscious. I went towards him and threw everything I had at him. He just dodged them. I growled and was about to make another kick when he caught my ankle and spun me around. I hit the floor with a thud. Gosh he's strong. He stalked forward and wrapped a hand around my throat squeezing. It didn't hurt but if he put anymore pressure he would snap my neck. I need to get to Faith somehow. I know she's in there and well aware of what's happening. I remember Faith bit me and talked to me through a mind connection thing. Does it work on vamps though. I did see Cellus bite Faith and it seemed like they were talking mind to mind. Its worth a shot. "Your lucky to be alive Lily. Your parents would of been so proud. Too bad they aren't here." He mocked me. I growled. No time like the present Lily. He was unexpected when I grinned. He frowned. "What's..." I hit my head with his really hard and kicked him in the stomach. Sorry Faith. He went down and I jumped on him. I sank my fangs into the flesh and try to ignore the blood and focus of Faith.
Faith? Faith can you hear me? I asked mind to mind. Please talk back. Please.

Lily? Lily! Oh my God! I'm so sorry! She yelled. I grinned against the skin.

I don't have long. But you need to hold on for me. For Justin. There's a curse Kalous put on him so if he said I love you that person will die. Or well sleep.

I know I figured.

Anyways, is there a way to wake you up or something? Cause your original plan is ruined. The treehouse is burnt down. Kalous he ah did it. I heard her gasp and then sigh.

That fucken dick head. There's a book. A spell book with a turn cover. It says "woven" take that and there should be a spell to break the curse. If not go find Kalous body and burn him.

Well that's comforting. I don't know how to do magic. Neither does the boys. I sighed and continued. I'll try.

You can do it. It has to be you or the boys. We have to be blood related. I have trust in you.

I smiled. Always Faith. Now just hold on and we'll get you back. I promise.

Hurry. And I pulled away and I lost connection. I got up and the boys looked at me shocked. "Tie Faith. I got some stuff to collect from Hexs office. I'll be back in a tic." I said and chucked a coat on. "What are you doing?" Cias asked. I grinned at him. "Getting Faith back." And walked out.

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