Uh oh?

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You drive over to Ryan's as fast as you could. You made a 15 minute drive turn into 6 minutes. Surprisingly, you didn't get a ticket. Once you got over there, you spammed the doorbell and banged on the door like you were the police. You forgot Ryan's key that he gave you, all because you were worried about Ryan.

Ryan came to the door, with a worried expression. You hugged him and walked in.

Ryan closed the door and sat you on the couch. He started with, "Y/n.."

Get to the fucking point! I'm worried. You thought. You gave him the "go on" look.

"Ok, ok! Here it goes... thecondombrokeandyoumightbepregnantandidontknowifamthereadytobeadad mk."

You burst into laughter. He was so cute when he was panicking. But...

You were also shocked. You weren't expecting that kind of news. You were kinda happy. Not about Ryan thinking he's not ready to be a dad tho. He held your little brother, Alex, and he seemed to like Ryan.

You went up to him and hugged him. "You ain't worried?! You haven't had symptoms or anything?!" He said panicking.  "No I haven't had symptoms. Some people don't get symptoms until later on Ry. And two, I think you're ready. You're really sweet and gentle. And that's 2 big factors in being a dad." You said comforting him. He pecked your forehead.

7 months later you had your beautiful baby girl, Mia Nicole Higa. You were holding her and Ryan was smiling ear to ear. This moment couldn't get any better. Nothing could bring you two down.

Or could it...?

A/n: ZAYUUUUUM! I just can't stop f*cking with y'all can't I?

Mwahahahahaha ⬅️ wtf

Yea and I know dis is shiitake mushrooms.

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