Chapter 15

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Hitomi's pov
Light. I opened my eyes and was met with some type of song. I smacked my lips together tasting the horrible scent of morning breath, I cringed everytime. I looked to my side and saw someone...? It has blonde hair. Micah? I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I stood up quickly as the ear buds flew off my ears as I stood up.

I looked around and saw that we were in the garden on the floor asleep. Everything then came rushing back as it felt I was hit with a brick. I looked back at Micah sadly as I reached out to wake him. I hesitated but poked him quickly and drew my hand back.

Micah didn't move. I frowned as I decided to do the same thing again. I was reaching out until I notice him move quickly grab my hand and pull me towards him. "AHH!" I screamed loudly as I fell on top of him. I heard him mumble "Well. That didn't go as planned."

"What do you mean?! Dumbass! You scared me!" Micah looked at me smiling brightly but that soon faded and turned into a serious face. "I want you to take me seriously for every word I say."

I looked at him confusedly and tilted my head. He looked at me flustered, his cheeks were red. Micah looked away pouting for a few seconds and then turned looked back at me and smiled, but I don't think that one was a reassuring one. It looked more evil? He then reached out for my hand as I looked at him confusedly.

I don't like contact. It's too.. I don't know how to say it. Uncomfortable...? Anyway he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. Enough to have our faces. Close together. Really close. I gelt heat rise to my face as I averted my gaze and stayed quiet. "Pay attention to only me."

I felt my hand move and touch something warm. I turned back and my eyes widen at the sight. My hands were on his lips. "W-What are you doing?!" I said. I pulled my hand away slowly and asked "What day is it?" Micah shrugged unknowingly and reached out for my small music player. "Can this tell time? Like is it a type of Ipod?"

I shook my head as a no and thought. "I feel like today is Saturday... There should be class right now.." Micah then yelled "Wait you mean we're here for 2 days without food?!" I rolled my eyes and said "Are you only worried for the food?" He nodded quickly as his eyes were glassy.

Micah grabbed his head hysterically and rolled on the ground saying sorry. I looked away and said, "You shouldn't have stayed last night then. I told you to leave." I heard the sorry's stop and I turned back to look at Micah, he was silent and then took a deep breath and said "That's a night I will never regret."

I stared at him as if to see he were lying or not but then looked away.

What are we going to do??

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