Chapter Thirteen: Discontentment

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Rex was sitting at the end of the long table where they normally ate dinner. Kate was sitting beside him, texting someone.

Some very official-looking people had come this morning, and took each one of them, except Kate, aside to ask them a few questions, such as "what is your full name?" and "have you committed any felonies within the past year?". After they were done, they filled out a form with the answers, and then stamped a little booklet and wrote some for information in it.

"Here's your passport, be careful with it." The man named Benjamin had told Rex, and handed him the small book.

Now Rex ran his fingers over the blue leather, grinning. He had never had a passport before, so this was exciting to him! Kate already had a passport, so she didn't seem very interested. Jack was talking to that Benjamin guy in corner of the room, answering the questions to get his passport. He hadn't seen the intern or that strange girl, Lexi, all morning, so maybe they didn't need a passport either?

Rex watched as, at the other end of the table, Argus and Frank talking with important looking people about something. He noticed how one of the important people, who seemed to be the leader, pulled the other government people aside to talk to them. Rex tried to read his name tag, but he couldn't catch it from where he was at, so, for the sake of convince, he started called this man "Important Leader Guy" in his head.

Rex imagined their conversation going something like this: "blah blah, important stuff, blah, government secrets, forms and taxes, blah blah, passports, blah money." Important Leader Guy told his Less Important Subordinates. "But, blah blah more money, blah lawyers, blah blah passports, attorneys blah blah blah." Less Important Subordinate #1 replied. This seemed to anger Important Leader Guy, and the group continued to debate for several more minutes before walking calmly back towards the table.

Important Leader Guy sat across from Frank, and told him what they had decided upon. Rex noticed how the government people seemed to ignore Argus completely, and just speak directly to Frank, even though Argus was the leader. He wondered why.

(Argus' POV)

I watched as the people from the government tried to decide wether they could get Ollie a passport without him being here. They were ignoring me and only talking to Frank, but that's normal. Frank says it's cause they've known me since I was young, and don't view me as an adult, but I know it's just that they are racist assholes.

They were taking longer than I had expected, and I was a bit worried about how Ollie was doing with Lexi. I should've thought this through more; if anything went wrong, Ollie would have no idea what to do.

Tim, the leader of the group we were talking to, smacked some papers against the table, and I jumped, remembering that I was supposed to be listening to what these idiots were saying. "I guess we can rush it without him here, but if anything happens with him, it's all on you guys." Tim said, sounding frustrated as he filled out the forms.

I noticed one of the other guys, whose name I knew as Ashton, seemed to be looking around very closely. I glared at him, and he seemed to startle when he noticed I was watching him. I figured knew what he was looking for, any signs that the tiger girl was still alive. It reminded me of what Frank had said earlier, that they still suspected I had her hidden somewhere, after all these years.

After Ollie's passport was finished and all the necessary documents filled out, the group began to clean up their stuff, telling us about where to get the plane and that they'd send someone to evaluate everyone as healthy before we leave.

Before they left, Ashton leaned over the table and asked me, "Hey, whatever happened to that big black dog you used to have?" It was the first words all day that had been spoken directly towards me.

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