Chapter Twenty Nine: Angels and Demons

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(Kate's POV)

Jack was leaning most is his weight against me as we walked. He was limping pretty badly and still bleeding. Max trotted on the other side of him.

"ARGUS!! OLLIE!! FRANK!!!" I called out yet again. Max barked after each name. I knew the three of them were around here somewhere, but they didn't seem to be hearing us. "REX!! LEXI!! WE NEED HELP!!" I also knew those two were further away, but maybe they could hear us. Jack was pretty heavy, and I wasn't sure how much longer I'd be able to support him.

"Max, go find help. Go find your people." I told the dog. He looked up at me with his big brown eyes, full of confusion.

"Go find Argus. Or anyone else. Go!" I told him. He barked once, and took off into the woods. I hoped he knew what I meant and wouldn't get hurt along the way.

I was a bit worried about the fact that he showed up, to be honest. From what I had seen, that dog never left Lexi's side. Could she be hurt? Oh god, what if she was dead?! What if everyone else was dead, too?!? What if the Tankounds killed everyone?!?

"HELP!!! ANYBODY!!" I cried out. Jack's eyelids had fluttered shut, he was definitely unconscious, or asleep, or something. I don't know anything about this kind of stuff, I'm not a doctor!!

"Kate? Kate!" I heard a voice from the trees to my left.

Ollie stumbled into view, Max's teeth latched onto his shirt sleeve, pulling the intern in my direction. Argus and Frank were close behind him.

"What happened?!" Frank asked, rushing over to grab Jack from my arms.

"The tankounds. A big group attacked him, and, I... I couldn't fight them off fast enough." I told them. I felt awful about the fact that I was ogling puppies instead of helping my partner, and he got hurt because I wasn't there to help protect him.

"Can you hear me, Jack?" Frank said as Argus helped him lay Jack on the ground. "What's wrong with him?" Frank looked worriedly at Argus.

"He's lost a lot of blood." Argus replied, looking over Jack from head to toe. "The creatures just about shredded this leg. Probably went into shock from the blood loss."

"What do we do?!" I whimpered, my eyes full of tears.

"We need to wrap this leg up, and get him to a hospital, fast. I don't think they hit bone, but the blood loss alone could be deadly. Ollie, give me your hoodie." Argus stated. Ollie handed it over.

"Where's Rex and Lexi? How'd you get the dog?" Ollie asked as Argus wrapped the hoodie tightly around Jack's leg wound.

"He just showed up. He was trying to protect Jack." I cried.

"Ollie, can you get his head and shoulders? We'll have to carry him back to the base." Argus requested, and Ollie quickly obliged.

The four of us struggled to carry him through the forest. Max led the way, finding the easiest path. We were so grateful when we broke free of the trees and underbrush.

Rushing to the helicopter landing pad, I noticed the empty beach. Where has Lexi and Rex gone? Looking for us, maybe?

Quinton rushed towards us.

"Start up the helicopter. He needs a hospital, fast." Argus demanded.

"The pilot isn't scheduled to be back for another hour..." Quinton replied, sounding nonchalant.

"Well, I don't care if you have to fly the damn thing yourself, you're getting us off this island! Jack doesn't have an hour." Argus answered, his voice harsh.

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