Chapter Twenty Four: Bandits, Thieves and Cliffs

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We stood outside the building. There was a patch of concrete that faded into sand, which, after about 50 feet, opened up into a deep dark forest. For a moment, we didn't see a single Tankound, but then something grey popped out of the brush. It looked at us, and then turned around and dashed back in.

"There a river about halfway through the forest. The wolves can't cross it. Be careful, to the right of it are some very steep cliffs." Warned a guard.

"Ok guys," Argus turned to us, "basically, we want to eliminate as many of them as possible. Stay in groups of two or three. Rex, your ability will work best with Lexi's. Kate, yours will go well with Jack's. Ollie, you're with Frank and I," Argus explained, "if any one of you gets hurt, find us immediately. Don't try and keep going." He said.

"What about Max? And Mars?" I asked.

"They won't bother Max, he's too dog-like. Take his leash off and let him follow whichever group he chooses." Argus said, knowing Max would stick by my side, "Mars, you're with Kate and Jack. Be their eyes when they are fighting, warn them if another Tankound is attacking." Argus told us.

"Now then... Let's do this." Argus stated.

We all walked together, taking the first few steps into the woods. It was decided that Kate and Jack would go right, Argus, Frank and Ollie would go down the middle, and Rex and I would go to the left. When we hit the river, we'd all turn and meet in the middle.

We split up, Rex and I following a faint trail. Max walked in between us. For a few moments, it was quiet. Then, a deep growl came from Max. We froze.

A huge tan colored Tankound leapt out on the path in front of us, snarling and growling. Its  shoulders and hips arched as it lowered its neck almost to the ground, stalking closer.

I unsheathed my claws. Rex braced himself. Max leaned back slightly between  us...

The animal lunged at us, and Rex grabbed it before I could move. It howled and barked as Rex lifted it up over his head, and then slammed it back on the ground. It's movements became slower with each slam. After the fourth time, the robotic head broke off, and the body stopped moving.

"Gosh, that felt awful." Rex sighed.

Before Rex had a chance to rest, Max spun around and barked. I turned quickly to see two Tankounds sneaking up on us.

I moved fast and lunged forward, grabbing one of them by the scruff of its neck. I could feel the machinery beneath the thin layer of fur. Using my claws, I sliced through the wires under its chin before it had a chance to bite me. The robotic creature crumpled to the ground.

Rex took care of the other one with a swift twist to the neck, and we were able to continue.

(Kate's POV)

We were surrounded by the dog-looking creatures. They seemed to disappear and re-materialize, leaping in and out of the dense foliage. Mars sat up on my shoulder, warning both of us when one was coming at our blind spot. Jack made quick work of the ones that jumped close enough to him, and I was able to send some of them howling, running away in pain. The ones that must have been more dog than robot actually listened to my commands, and turned to attack their fellow Tankounds.

Once we had destroyed the ones trying to attack us, the three of us continued on. Of the 5 I could mind control, two were left, and they followed us like puppies.

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