Chapter Forty: Saying Farewell

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The next two days flew by rapidly. I continued to help Kate with training Bandit, along with working to help get everything cleaned up and packed. Argus had told me once everyone else, left, we'd be going to stay at his apartment, since they weren't allowed to use the Lorh building outside of when a mission was going on, due to insurance reasons. So I had also been packing my stuff. Rex had found a couple boxes for me to use, since I got some new things on the trip and everything wouldn't fit in my backpack. 

The mission review letter had come, and we had ranked surprisingly well. They had sent a little bonus for the leaders, Argus and Frank. Frank continued to cook for each meal, and we were loving the homecooked food. But when he offered to take us out to dinner on the last evening, using the bonus money, everyone agreed. We knew he'd be taking us somewhere fancy, so I found myself in Kate's room, looking at dresses.

"Ooo, the pink will look good on you!" Kate said, pulling out a pretty pale pink dress. I held it up to myself, looking in the mirror. It was one of those high-low dresses, and I wasn't sure about it.

"Maybe something purple?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't know if any purple..." Kate flipped through her closet and pulled out a blue skater dress.

"I like that one!" I declared.

"Go try it on!" Kate grinned, shooing me towards the bathroom with the dress. 

I slipped out of the bathroom, wearing the dress. "I love it, oh my gosh, that's the one," Kate stated. Bandit, who was laying on the bed watching us, barked in agreement. I turned to look at myself in the mirror. She was right, the dress fit perfectly. I slid my hands along the soft fabric, admiring how it looked on me.

After getting back in my clothes, I watched as Kate picked out her own outfit for that evening. I was going to miss her when she left tomorrow morning. I was going to miss all of them. Over the past two weeks, we had become pretty close friends. Staying with Argus would mean none of my friends were close by, except for Max. Even Mars had decided she'd go back to Florida and live on her own. Could you believe it?! My own cat was leaving me. 

"Kate, where are you going when you leave?" I asked her.

"Oh, back home to my family in Quebec. I'm hoping Bandit gets along well with my family's golden retriever. I haven't even asked them about bringing him back. It's not an option at this point, my boy's going to stick with me. My little brothers will love him, anyway." Kate smiled as she folded clothes and placed them in her suitcase. "How about you?"

"Oh, you know, back to Florida, I love the warm weather." I lied. I had already decided not to share my current situation with everyone. It would be too much work to explain it. 

"Well, anyway, I'm going you miss you and that dog of yours," Kate replied.

"Me too... Me too." 


Dinner was super yummy. We went to a fondue place and ate our weight in gooey melted cheeses, delicious juicy meats cooked in a warm broth, and of course, the best part, every dessert imaginable dipped in heated chocolate sauces. It was, however, a surprisingly unhappy event. I think the whole group was suddenly hit with a second round of sadness. There was no Jack to tease or make jokes, and the conversation seemed dull because of it. 

Back at home, I finished my packing and laid down on the floor with Max. My emotions were running wild. Mars had gotten angry when I asked her to stay with me, and I was still upset from dinner. Plus, I could feel the beginning of a headache forming, and what was left of my claws were aching. I buried my face in Max's soft fluffy fur and let my tears flow. I wasn't even sure exactly which one I was crying for. Maybe all of them...

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