Chapter 14: The King's Council

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Chapter 14: The King's Council

The King's Council is formed out of all the people who were in the throne room when Thorne brought Levi to Elethoria. These people are all upper-class Elethorians from well-known families.

There's Sapphire from the Ice family. She's a lady dark elf from the north of Elethoria and I only know a little about her so far. Her skin is a shade of grey with the slightest tint of silver. Her eyes are a piercing purple and seem as though they're constantly judging you. Apparently she wasn't part of the Council before, when Queen Eletha was on the throne, and the Ice family have never had much power but Thorne raised their status when he crowned himself king. I can remember that when Thorne told me stories about Elethoria many years ago he explained that dark elves are often considered to be evil. So it's not much of a surprise that Thorne added her to his dream team.

Then there's old Oak from the roots family who live in the great echo forest just east of the castle. He's a nymph and looks as though he might drop dead any second, Ellen later confirms my thoughts. He's ancient and won't live for much longer apparently. He has white hair and a voice so croaky it almost hurts my ears.

Another member of the King's Council is Ebonaria Swordheart who I'm told is a great warrior who was previously in charge of both the palace guard and the army. Now she's been demoted to just the leader of Thorne's army of demons. It's obvious that she isn't happy with this but she doesn't protest. Instead she seems determined to make Thorne proud of her excellent leadership skills. Ebonaria is from a great line of warriors who have always served the Queen and her world. She has long silky looking straight black hair and cold blue eyes that have witnessed many battles. She's exactly the kind of woman who should be avoided.

Of course I can't forget Sha-Jzul who is one if the richest most powerful men in Elethoria. He sits in the corner looking all mysterious and occasionally throwing in a wise piece if advice and a huge sum of money. He's dark skinned and has a voice that would be brilliant for a voice over on a TV show, it's all deep and hoarse but at the same time it's clear as a bell. He wears the most finest robes in exquisite colours and sits with his arms crossed throughout the whole meeting.

Those are the only members of the King's Council that I actually pay attention to. The rest of them are all boring old men who barely say a word unless we're discussing something that directly involves them. So I barely notice them at all.

At first in the meeting I mostly just sit by Thorne's side and listen, trying to learn how these things work. They do discuss a lot of uninteresting topics such as accounts and the weather. Apparently it's summer right now in Elethoria, the complete opposite to the cold winter that is taking place back home in England.

I do try to join in when they start to talk about more interesting subjects but at first some of the Council members are impolite and cut me off before I get to finish what I'm saying. Thorne actually notices this and tells them to let me have a voice. 

"The wood elves in the west are building an army to try and take back Elethoria," Ebonaria explains to Thorne. When it comes to war Ebonaria seems to know everything before anyone else in the Council does.

"Do we need to fight back?" he asks her.

"Not yet. If their forces become strong then I will send an attack immediately but for now they are still recovering. It will take them a while to pick up the pieces after the last battle."

The last battle? So the people of Elethoria have already tried to fight back and have failed?

"Shouldn't you try to earn their respect rather than constantly fight them?" I suggest. "I mean, I don't know much about war, but surely if you keep this up they'll only learn to resent you more. Perhaps you need to show them that you are the perfect king for Elethoria?"

Between the Willow Trees [NaNoWriMo 2013] (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now