Twenty Two

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It was a sunny morning, and Max stood in Mike's driveway, next to her bike. She looked down at her watch and sighed. Mike and Eleven were 5 minutes late. She was just about to go knock on the Wheeler's door when out came a laughing Mike and Eleven. She waved at them and Eleven half waved back and Mike grinned at her. Max couldn't help but notice they were holding hands and she felt a twinge of jealousy, but she quickly pushed it away.

"Hey guys! Ready for school?" She asked. Her annoying chirpiness made it hard for Eleven not roll her eyes. Eleven nodded and Mike laughed. "As ready as I could be. I hate school."

The three rode in silence until eventually Will, Dustin and Lucas, who was obviously riding side by side with Max, caught up with them. Lucas was carrying on a painfully awkward, one sided conversation with her. Finally, they arrived at the school just as students started filing into classes. Lucas, Eleven and Will had English first hour, Dustin had math and Max and Mike had gym.

Max and Mike walked together to class, laughing and talking as if they were old friends. "Hey Max, tonight all of us are coming over to my house. You should come it'll be super fun! I've promised certain people there will be waffles!" He told her. She smiled the biggest smile Mike had ever seen. "I'd love it! Thank you!"

Eleven was bored out of her mind sitting in English class. She had almost fallen asleep twice when she raised her hand. "Mrs. Smith, can I get a drink of water?" She asked. She nodded not taking her eyes off the chalkboard where she was writing notes.

Eleven quickly walked out the classroom. She took a drink from the closest water fountain, but she still wasn't ready to go back to her boring class so she just started walking around the school. She walked past the math room and could see through the doorway, Dustin, sound asleep, drooling on his textbook.

She came close to the gym and heard the yelling of an intense game of dodgeball. She peeked inside and grinned as she saw Mike, trying to avoid being hit by balls. He looked very distressed and it made Eleven laugh, until she saw Max, so close to him she was practically glued to his side.

Her eyes narrowed and the next thing she knew Max was flying across the gym, and hit the wall. Everyone gasped and ran to see if she was okay, except for one person who knew exactly what happened.

Eleven stood as still as a statue in the doorway and her eyes locked with Mike. Neither of them moved until Eleven turned and ran out of the school. Away from Mike. Away from Max.

Away from everything.

Hey guys! Hope you all like where I'm taking the story😊 But I also understand if you hate me cuz Max is coming in between Mileven😂 I swear to you she won't ruin anything for that long lol. (Also 4k views??? THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH) love you! - Nora💜

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