Twenty Six

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"Eleven! Eleven! Where are you?" Mike yelled at the top of his lungs, his voice becoming hoarse for screaming so much.

This was all his fault. He shouldn't of yelled at her. There was a lot he didn't know about the whole Max and Eleven situation and he felt bad for not letting her talk.

"Eleven!!" He yelled again, his voice cracking. Nancy put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He quickly wiped away tears, not wanting anyone to know he had been crying.

"Mike...I know you miss her but she's strong and can take care of herself." She said trying to put him at ease. He shrugged away from her touch. "She wouldn't just leave for two days without talking to me! She needs my help." He said.

"Mike what color shirt was Eleven wearing the last time we saw her?" Dustin yelled at him, a couple feet behind.

Mike thought for a second. " Definitely blue!" He replied. Dustin bent down and shown his flashlight on the ground. "'s a piece of blue shirt." He said.

Lucas and Will crowded around Dustin, searching for more evidence on the ground. Mike started crying again, not caring if they saw anymore.

"Where is she?" He asked over and over again. The rest if the kids stood awkwardly around him trying to comfort him, but knowing the only thing that would make him feel better is finding Eleven.

"Mike, she could be around here! We should keep looking!" Will said. Mike didn't say anything, he just stood there.

"Mike, we should either go home, because it's around nine, or keep looking. We can't just sit here." Nancy said calmly.

Mike sighed. "You're right. Let's just go home. It's getting really dark, we'll have more luck in the daytime tomorrow."

"Oh...are you sure?" Nancy asked, obviously confused on why he didn't want to keep searching. "Yeah, Mike, we can totally keep looking if you want." Lucas said.

"No. Let's just go home. I'm really tired." He said, not showing any emotion.

Will and Lucas shared a worried glance but they all turned around and started heading back home. Mike eventually fell behind the group, walking about thirty feet behind.

He was lost in his thoughts, when he heard a twig snap. "Eleven?" He whispered. He waited a few seconds and then asked again. "Eleven?" This time it was louder.

Nothing. Mike started to think it was imagination, when leaves crunched, closer to him. "Eleven?" And almost as if it was magic, Eleven stepped out of the shadows of the trees, bruises on her arms, shirt torn and a cut on her face. "Mike!" She said rushing into to his arms. He closed his eyes, burying his face in the top of her head. "I love you Eleven. I will never stop loving you." He whispered. "I love you too Mike." She said into his chest.

At this point, two things were certain. One, Mike was completely lost in the forest, Nancy and his friends were not in sight, and two, he was completely in love with the girl in his arms.

Hey guys! Hoped you liked this chapter! I'm super tired and didn't proof read so there might be a lot of grammatical and spelling errors but it's all good😂 thanks for reading! Love youuu - Nora💜

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