"Tell me that you aren't using me." "I am." (Felix x Reader)

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Requested by anon

It was a relaxed day at the New Republic, so  not many soldiers chose to wear their armour, this of course included  you. Since nothing was really happening today, you decided to go for a  walk, and if you just so happened to see Felix on your walk, then that would be fine too.

You always liked Felix, ever since you joined the New Republic. There  was just something about him and no matter how much you knew he was an  arsehole you couldn't shake your feelings for him.

You walked to where you thought Felix might be, and you were right.  He was out of his armour too. His hair messy, as if he hadn't given it a  second thought before leaving his bunk. You watched him throw knives at  a target that was placed a few feet away from you.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when a knife skidded across the  ground towards you. You pick it up and glance in Felix's direction only  to see that he's walking to you, a sly smile replacing the concentrated  look he had just a moment ago.

"Shit throw." You tell him before he has a chance to ask for it back.

"Maybe it wasn't. Maybe, I wanted it to land near you." He replies, holding his hand out for it.

You raise an eyebrow, but give him the knife anyway.

"I don't think we've ever met, I'm Felix."

"I'm Y/N." You try to calm yourself so you don't end up looking like an idiot in front of him.

"Pretty name." Felix grins, "probably one of the most normal too, like Felix, that's a normal name, you have a normal name. Why does everyone else have such ridiculous names?" You can't help but laugh slightly as Felix continues to rant about abnormal names.

Over the next four weeks Felix begins to notice you a lot more. He  sometimes sits with you while you eat, he says hello as you pass him, he  lets you watch him train and occasionally, he sneaks into your bunk to  wake you up.

You love watching him train. The concentrated look on his face, the  way he turns to you so you can hear his sarcastic remarks and how cocky  he gets, especially if he's training with someone else.

Felix makes his way over to the crate you're currently sitting on,  you look at him confused, knowing he stopped training early. "I gotta  meet Kimball, but meet me here tonight." He walks away, not giving you a  chance to reply.

When you get to the crate later that night Felix is already there.

"You're late." He tells you.

"Well if someone specified a time, maybe I wouldn't be late."

Your reply makes Felix grin, he loves when you're sarcastic or snappy.

"So why are we meeting here anyway?" You ask.

"You like me, don't you?" Even though he phrased it like a question you knew it wasn't.

"What? No I don't!" You shake your head, even adding an eye roll for effect.

Felix doesn't say anything, but instead steps closer. His hands grab  your waist and he pulls you towards him, ducking his head slightly so  his lips can meet yours.

You felt hesitant to kiss back. As much as you like Felix you knew  how much of a dick he is, and this is probably his way to prove you do  like him.

You kiss him back anyway, resting your hands on his shoulders. He pulls away first, a grin forming on his face.

"I knew it." He grins, his voice smug.

"That doesn't prove anything." You glare.

"So what if I were to kiss you again?" He asks, his voice much softer  than before. Felix leans you on the edge of the crate as he, once  again, closes the gap between you two.

You expect him to pull away as soon as you start kissing him back, bragging about how he's right. But he doesn't.

He doesn't say anything till the kiss gets more intense. Until his  warm hands slide under your shirt and rest on your bare skin, just above  your hips. Until your fingers are laced through his hair, tugging  slightly and trying to pull him closer to you.

"Told you so." He murmurs, planting a few kisses down your jawline.

You pull away from Felix, removing your hands from him and not making  eye contact. Felix just wanted to feed his ego - and he wouldn't mind  if he got a little something extra too.

"What's wrong?"

You push past Felix. You're nothing special to him. You knew that. But somewhere deep in your mind, you hoped you were.

"Y/N, what are you doing? What's wrong?" You stop walking and turn to face him, you're about a meter away.

"I like you." You admit, "and I hate that because you're such a dick."

"What? Y/N I-"

"Tell me that you aren't using me." You cut Felix off. "Tell me that  you aren't using the fact that I like you for a... a-whatever the hell that was and after tonight things will go back to the way they were when you didn't even know I existed."

Felix opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. He looks to the  ground, shifting slightly. His eyes meet yours and you see a look of  guilt on his face.

"I am."

I hope this is  okay, there's another ending as well but I'll only  add that if people  want it ((seriously, if you wanna read more of it comment or  message me))
Also I never realised how much I love writing makeout scenes so that might become more of a regular thing.
Thanks for reading

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