Gray x Reader

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Prompt: Reader is annoying Gray as he's working, he swipes the work off the desk and they make out.
Requested by @DavidAndDaniel 
Slight NSFW warning, nothing too much though.

"Y/N can you stop clicking your pen?" Gray asks from his desk across from yours. You sigh, dropping the pen and slumping down in your chair. Gray insisted on putting his work off till the last minute, leaving you beyond bored while you wait for him to finish.

After scrolling through the same three apps for ten minutes you decide to start scrunching up scrap pieces of paper to throw at your boyfriend. He ignores the first one that flies past his head, but when the second ball of paper hits his face he glances over his monitor, raising an eyebrow at you. You smile in response, getting the next wad of paper ready.

Gray sighs and ignores the next few that you throw at him. Eventually he looks up over his monitor at you, "are you right there?" He remarks. You get up from the desk you're currently sitting at and make you way to the front of Gray's desk, leaning against it and watching him work. He acknowledges you but doesn't stop typing.

You two sit like that in silence for a while, you're quite content with just being next to him even though you'd rather be doing something more interesting. After a short while Gray slumps back in his chair, stretching and taking a short break. He sits up and pulls you closer so you can sit on his lap before pecking you on the lips, "I'm sorry I have to stay back." He mumbles, his voice low and tired.

"It's alright, I like hanging out while you work. Besides, you're my ride and I don't want to use an uber to get home." You joke, making him chuckle. He meets your gaze for a moment before he glances at your lips. Your smile gets a little bigger as you close the gap, connecting your lips to his.

Gray's hands grab your hips, holding you secure so you don't have to balance yourself at an odd position and you move your hands to the outer part of his chest. Gray pulls away about a minute into the kiss, he grins at you before swiping the stacks of paper, the keyboard and the mouse off the front of his desk.

You raise your eyebrows, suppressing a laugh as you watch the things clutter to the ground. You stand up and Gray quickly follows, turning you around and sitting you on his desk. "Someone's eager." You remark.

"You can't tell me you weren't hoping for this" Gray says and you feel your cheeks heat up. His smile gets bigger before he reconnects his lips to yours, as you kiss you pull Gray's body closer to yours. As time goes on the kiss gets more intense and it's not long until his hands are wondering down your body and you're occasionally breaking away to kiss down his neck. A small moan escapes your mouth as Gray moves your legs apart and starts grinding against you.

A quick knock on the door interrupts your moment and there's not enough time to fully separate before they open the door. Barbra takes a step into the room, mouth open to ask a question before she looks up and notices your position. "Oh man, I should probably come back later." Your cheeks heat up and you have an overwhelming urge to apologise. Before you get a chance to though, Barbra turns around and closes the door. You hear a faint "have fun!"

You meet Gray's gaze and let out a laugh, "so you ready to leave now?"

Third update for the night, hopefully this will make up for my absence.
Thanks for reading!

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