"Tell me that you aren't using me" (Felix x Reader - Part 2, extra ending)

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"Tell me that you aren't using me." You cut Felix off. "Tell me that you aren't using the fact  that I like you for a... a-whatever the hell that was and after tonight things will go back to the way they were when you didn't even know I existed."

Felix opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. He looks to the  ground, shifting slightly. His eyes meet yours and you see a look of guilt on his face.

"I am."


Kimball heard about what happened, probably from Felix, and gave you the week off. You stayed in your bed for the entirety of that week, only leaving if you needed to go to the bathroom or to get food.

By the second week you had to return to your job, which was training and keeping an eye on lower level soldiers.

By the end of that month life was pretty much back to normal, you had only seen Felix a few times and that was just seeing him in the distance as you were walking around. Of course you still felt sad, maybe even heartbroken. But you knew what you were getting into when you met Felix, you knew what he was like and you had no one to blame but yourself.

You were sitting with one of your friends when Felix approached you, in the distance you could see Kimball, her arms were crossed and she was glaring at Felix.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Y/N doesn't want to talk to you." Your friend answers before you can speak.

"Look lady, I'm here to talk to Y/N. Not you." He snaps.

"It's okay, Ace. I'll talk to him." You say, quickly defusing the situation.

Ace looks at you skeptically but still gathers her things, "come find me when your done."

As she stands up she glares at Felix and in response he sticks his tongue out. When she walks away Felix sits next to you, nervously glancing at Kimball. "I'm real sorry, Y/N." He says quietly, grabbing your hand. "You didn't deserve what I did. I'm selfish and I never really thought about how you feel. Well, felt."

You stare at Felix in surprise, your mouth hanging open slightly. Felix is too stubborn to apologise to anyone.

"Uhm, it's okay." You say, unsure of how honest he's really being.

"It's not though. I'm sorry." Felix lets go of your hand and stands up, making his way back to Kimball. When he reaches her she pats him on the back and looks at you, smiling softly.


You had just gotten back from a late night training session and all you wanted to do was fall asleep.

You take off your armour, deciding to sleep in an old black shirt and shorts. You climb under the covers and close your eyes, drifting to sleep.

Someone shakes your shoulder, waking you up. "Huh?" You mumble as you slowly open your eyes. "Felix?" Am I dreaming?

"I'm sorry for waking you up." Felix whispers.

You're more awake now and you notice that Felix has turned your lamp on, spreading a dim light through the room.

Felix is sitting on the edge of your bed, wearing a pair of black tracksuit pants and a grey shirt. His hair is messy, almost as if he's been continuously running his hands through it.

"What's going on? What are you doing here?" You ask, sitting up.

"I can't stop thinking about you." He mumbles, leaning in enough so his lips lightly touch yours. This is definitely not a dream.

You pull back, "what are you doing, Felix?"

"I know you can't trust me, I know I've ruined whatever we had... but Y/N, I can't get you out of my mind. Every time I see you I hate myself more and more for what I did," Felix runs a hand through his hair. "I was gonna leave you alone forever but Kimball made me apologise and now... Y/N, I think I'm falling in love with you."


"I don't deserve you, Y/N. If you want me to never speak to you again I understand." Felix looks at you and smiles sadly before standing up.

"Wait," you grab Felix's hand and pull him back onto the bed, "do you mean it?"

"Of course I do." He smiles, brushing some hair from your face.

You smile back at him, "does that mean you want to be my boyfriend?" Felix chuckles.

"Yes, Y/N. Of course I want to be your boyfriend."

He leans in again, but this time you do too. Your lips meet and both of you are smiling into the kiss.

"Does that mean I can spend the night here?" You nod and Felix grins, "awesome." He reaches over and turns off the lamp before climbing under the covers and laying down next to you. You rest your head on Felix's chest and he wraps an arm around you. "Hey Y/N?"

"Yeah, Felix?" You ask quietly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

This was originally going to be smut but I thought this was cuter, whoops
Anyway, thanks for reading!

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