The one i want

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Allison's pov

I was standing in front of my best friend of all time Jerry Marten, we met when we were 5 he moved here when we were 10 we stayed in touch ever since. "I know but i wanted to come and get you early" he said with a smile on his face "but she is going on a date with some one now he will be here in 5 minutes so ya" rose said (that's Rachael's nickname) Jerry was married so he wont fall for me or my friends "its all good i can go and stay with Ali and wait for you till you get beck if that's fine with you " he said with a happy look on his face but hurt in his eyes. He was always like a brother to me.

at the tattoo shop

I was with Niall at the tattoo shop and he was getting his tattoo done i don't know what he is getting but he said its a surprise. Niall is hiding something i can tell he never eats food he sleeps late what is he doing to himself. "OK allybear its your turn time for you to get your tattoo" Niall said. He had a cloth around his arm were he got his tattoo so i couldn't see what it was. "Ya i am ready just scared for how it will turn out" i said but i could not tell what i really meant by what it would turn out. 

(Allison"s tattoo on the side it is on her are it is small)


Here i was sitting on my bed looking at my beautiful tattoo, it is perfect i love it. Niall still has not shown me his tattoo and i am still thinking of what it  might be. Today i found out that Ali is pregnant  and i told Jerry to stay with her till she has the baby and we will hang out another time. Then Niall walked in to the dorm with a smile on his face "why are you so happy " i said with more hate in my voice the i was going for "are you OK you seem to have something on your mind whats bugging you so much is it your tattoo i think its perfect for you" he said with a worried face but in his eyes it said it all.

Niall"s pov. (did you see this coming)

I was having a war in my mind weather i should tell Allison my secret or not. "Are you hiding something from me or not" she said with a straight face but curiosity inside i can tell he noticed i was different then most people and that i was acting weird i wished for her to not know what i really was, who i was. I have i have to tell her soon are later or else she will find out and she would hate me. I am going to tell her now. "Allison i have to tell you something but don't hate me I am........."

A/N:Dont hate me ok i will update and you will find out what niall"s secret is so 5 votes and you will find out what he is hiding FYI: Jerry is Zac Efron and Ali is Ashley Benson if you don't know them look them up STAY GOLD, STAY STRONG, STAY SAFE. BYE MY LOVES AND CLOVERS

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