The War Pt. 1

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"They say that if u break a mirror, someone close to u will die."


It's been about 2 months now. December is here & snow is about to fall in about a week or so.
Me, Azariah, & Joshua have been training too much these past few months.
Errol heard that Clamel was gonna attack anytime this month so we "have", to be prepared for when he does. 🙄

Anyways, I barely get to see everybody & Brandon's birthday is coming up too.
Errol knows that I have been visiting me sis & bro at least twice every 2 weeks.
Devin, Kev & Daniel are also busy with their music & Digaz & shows, that I too can barely see them every week.

Right now, I'm freaking snow-proofing my treehouse so that no snow gets in my house & freezes me to death while I'm sleeping.
I've hung out a few times last month with Shari, Mariah, Renee, Jakeline & Lexi. Erika was away with her parents to Florida for a little while, but she came back about a week ago.
Christmas will be here soon & I wanted to celebrate it with the people I love.

I wrote in my journal almost every day.
Also, I-
"Hey Mel!", a voice screams at me & interrupts my thoughts.

I head down my treehouse & spot Renee, Jakeline, Kevin, & Brandon with coats on, standing there.
"Hey. What r u guys doing here?", I ask as I hug them.
"We bored.", Kevin just simply said.
"Ok? So u just walked here for about 20 minutes just 'cause you're bored?", I stated.
They all nodded.
"Well I don't know how I'm supposed to entertain u guys, I mean....I'm just adding an extra layer to my house for the cold. And I already trained so, I'm doing absolutely nothing today.", I pointed out.
"Well then let's just talk abut my birthday!", Brandon suggested.
"Really? Again? You're birthday is on the 22 which is about a week from now just calm your ass down.🙄", Jakeline states annoyed.
"Well's still coming up so.....Mel, whatcha got planned?!", he asks happily.
"Uh....well I was gonna plan a party...yeah! That's right! I planned a party for u.", I answered.
Brandon didn't buy it for one second that I already had that planned but ya know...he's still getting one!
"As long as there's cake & dancing, I'm in.", Renee clarifies.
"Fine. Party at Erika's house on the 22 of December.", I pointed out.
"Erika's? Melody are u sure? Cause like, Erika's parents are kinda strict.", Kevin points out.
"Yeah, but, it's a little mini party & Riky & Yaya are gonna be there so really, no casualties.", I confirmed.
"Did u speak to Erika about this?", Brandon asked with his arms crossed.
"Exactly.", he states with a sassy tone.
"I'll convince her, don't worry about it.", I assured them.
"What about that war with your uncle? Are u guys gonna be alright?😰", Renee asked worriedly.
"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I promise u guys that I'll come back. Trust me......", I said grabbing her hands.
"'re so warm & soft.", she stated surprisingly.
"Uh....ok? I'm always warm.....🤗🤗🤗Anyways go u guys! I'm freakin' tired & I wanna go to sleep.", I said pulling my hands away.
"Well ok sis. I see how u feel.", Jakeline says facing the other direction.
"I'll stay witchu for a bit.", Kevin said.
"Ok.....but just for a bit!", I clarified.

We all laughed & hugged them goodbye.
"Bye Brandina. Don't worry, I'm gonna be there for yo birthday. I give u my word.", I said hugging him last.
"I know you'll be there. I'm hoping & counting on u too. Bye!👋🏽", he said waving back at me with a big smile & walking away with the girls.

Kevin helps me finish snow-proofing the house.

(20 minutes Later)

"Hallelujah! I'm done! Finally!🙄", I said aloud putting my hands up in the air.
"That was a lotta work.", Kevin says complaining.
I rolled my eyes.
We went back inside & I immediately threw myself on the bed.
Kevin does the same & goes on his phone.

"Hey. Look at this ig post. It's funny as hell!😆", he states.
"Let me see.", I replied grabbing his phone. As I touch his phone, our hands touch.
"Damn! Wait, hold up!", he interrupts putting his phone down & touching my hands.
"They so soft & warm."
"Well I'm always warm. Besides, wolf. Remember? Our fur keeps us warm. I guess that my body temperature helps me in this case after all?", I say pulling my hand away & looking at the ig post.

He laughs & gets his phone back.

(20 minutes later)

Kev & me talked & joked about random shit & he left just now.

As I was about the fall into a deep sleep.😴😴😴
Someone barges in the door.

"What the hell?!😠", I exclaimed about to kill whoever ruined my beauty sleep.
As I look, it was Joshua.
Really nigga?...........
"What do u want? I was about to go to sleep!", I exclaimed angrily.
"Sleep? The full moon is tonight, we have to transform with the pack in about half an hour.", he states making me wanna chop my head off.
"Uh.....I forgot. Why tonight of all nights?!", I complained putting my hands up in the air.
(Chuckles) "Let's just go.", he says going ahead.


I sigh & go out the door after him. I walk slowly behind him almost looking like I was gonna go to sleep standing up.
What a night this is gonna be..........

To Be Continued.......

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