Fox say?

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To: Frank

What does the fox say?!

Percy: Hey Frank, do the thing!

Frank: No.

Percy: Please?

Frank: You aren't gonna make me do it.

Leo: Whatever, we're doing it anyways.

Percy: Dog goes woof, cat goes meow

Leo: Bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeak

Percy: Cow goes moo, frog goes croak

Leo: And the elephant goes toot

Frank: Stop it!

Leo: Jump into chorus!

Percy: This is your last chance, Frank.

Frank: Percy.... Ok, fine. *changes into fox*

Percy: *picks him up* What does the Frank say?!

Leo: Ring- ding- ding- ding- dingeringeding!

Percy: Gering- ding- ding- ding- dingeringeding!

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