Were Here!!!

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Chapter 1 :

"OMG I can't believe we're here!" Leah screamed as we pulled up to the reliant stadium in Huston Texas. Today me and my best friends Leah and Isabel are going to our first every One Direction concert. We are big fans and we won ultimate VIP passes on the radio. We also get to go to there meet and greet.

We all look out my widow at the huge stadium. When we park we all got out of Leah's car to go inside. We walk up to the gate and give the man our tickets and go inside. "Wow this place is huge" Isabel gasped. I rolled my eyes. "DUH it's a stadium, what else did you think, that it was going to be small" I laughed. "Haha very funny" Isabel said sarcastic. "Whatever guys but we need to find the meet and greet if you want to meet One Direction" Leah told us. Leah is much more responsible then me and Isabel.

I'm so happy ! I love Niall Horan, Leah loves Liam Payne, and Isabel loves Zayn Malik. We all can't wait to see out celebrity crushes even though we have no chance with them at all. I mean they could have any girl in the world why would they go for 3 random small town girls?

"Excuse me sir but I would like to know we're the meet and greet for One Direction is?" Leah asked a random guy who looked like he worked for the tour. " Oh yes, so many girls been asking me that" he said very nicely. he started telling Leah the directions to get to the meet and greet but I wasn't listening because I'm really bad with directions. I just started to think about niall and the gift I got him. It is a red flat pill hat with niall on the front in big white letters and on the back it saids One Direction 1D and a small Irish flag. And on the inside of the hat I taped a letter telling niall about myself and for him to follow me on twitter or maybe even call me, But I'm sure that will never happen.

"Ok thanks" Leah told the nice man. I quickly snapped out of my thinking. "No Problem" the man called out to us while walking away. "So y'all ready to go meet One Direction?" Leah asked us super excitedly. " Yeah buddy" I answered loudly. What can I say I'm a loud type of person.




Together Forever in Love with One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now