The small cafe kiss

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Chapter 7:

"Are y'all ready to go yet?" I asked impatiently. "One second I need to put on a extra layer of my baby lips" Leah yelled from the bathroom. " And I need some more mascara" Isabel added while fighting Leah over our hotel bathroom mirror. Leah and Isabel were going crazy over this whole One Direction hang out thing. I kinda was too, but I just prefer to dress casual.

I had on jeans and my favorite pink Tshirt and my regular plain ugg boots on. Leah had on a black skirt and a cute purple ruffle shirt on and her silver sparkly uggs boots that turn purple if you rub it. And Isabel had on a blue blouse with gold legging and sliver flats.

We all got into Leah's car, but I get to drive this time. I pull out of the hotel parking lot and start driving to get to the cafe.

When we got there we all got out of the car and went inside. We were surprised to see that we were the only people there. We sat down at a small table for 3. "What if they don't come?" Isabel asked us worried. "Don't worry they will come" Leah said with confidence. " To tell y'all the truth, I would not be surprise if they don't show up" I sad sadly. I hate that I ways think of the negative side.

"Hey don't be so negative, when I say I'm going to be somewhere I'm going to be there" said a sweet Irish voice said from behind me. I turn around and standing right behind me was One Direction. " Wow you really came" I gasped. "Of course I came love I told you I would on the phone.

We all got separated again like we did at the meet and greet into different groups. Once again it was just me and Niall together. So we sat down at a table for two.

"Why" I asked him. "Why what?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Wow he even looks cute when he's confused I thought on my head. " Why did you want to meet us, why us, just everything, why?" I explained to him. "Well uh, I loved the hat you got me and when I put it on I realized there was a letter inside. I took it out and read it, and it was just something about that letter that just spoke to me to actually call you and follow you on twitter. The way you wrote it made me feel like I knew you. Then I watched all the videos of y'all singing on Twitter and Jayden... To be honest you have the voice of an angel. Your voice is so beautiful, so perfect, and by all this stuff about you I then realized that I needed to meet this girl. It's just something about you your different then the rest but in a good way." he finally finished. " Wow that's some deep stuff" I said trying to break the ice. " Hahahaha" he laughed.

He had the most sweetest, nicest, and cutest laugh I ever heard. Then I looked into his deep blue eyes. He started to lean in. The next thing I know I'm doing the same. Our lips finally meet. Sparks flew. Then. I started to take in the moment. Right now I am kissing Niall horan from One Direction, and this is by far the best kiss I ever had my whole life.

"O'killem" we hear someone say in the background. We quickly stop kissing and looked up. Everyone was starring at us. Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Leah, and Isabel. My cheeks turned red from blushing. I knew I did not have to think twice who interrupted the best kiss of my life. I am 100% positive it was Isabel.

Hours went by and our wonderful day with one direction was coming to a end. Me and Niall talked so much and we learned so much about each other and all the things we have in common. Leah got Liam's number and Isabel got zany's number. " Well sorry boys but we have to go back home now" Leah said with a sad look on her face. "No please don't leave" Liam said. " Yeah we are having a great time" Louis added."Sorry guys, but we have to go now" Isabel answered them.

The guys walked us out to our car and of course I walked with niall. "Will I ever see you again" he asked. " I don't know" I said sadly. "ill call you" he said trying to cheer me up."But I just don't want to go" I pouted. " I don't want you to go earthier, but you girls have to go back home to your home town" he said sadly. Then he stopped and pulled me into a famous horan hug. "I know i just met you but, This is not the end it is just the beginning because I am 100% in Love with you" he whispered in my ear.

I could feel a warm tear run down my face thinking what if this is the end? I hugged him tight in my arms not wanting to ever let go. " I think I might actually love you too" I whispered back to him. I finally let go and got in the back seat of the car because Isabel was driving this time. "goodbye niall" I said while crying. Now niall was crying. I hate to crying like this but I could not help it. I loved him and now I was about to never see him again.

I closed the car door, and watched him as we pulled out the parking lot. I watched him till I could see him no more. Was this the end? At this point all could do was cry but what would that fix.

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