The Meet and Greet

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Chapter 2:

We walked into the room with a ton of girls all waiting to meet One Direction. Some girls were shaking and some were crying and screaming. Leah, Isabel, and I were just standing there with huge smiles on our faces. We did not want to seem like overly addicted crazy fan girls so we tried our hardest to stay calm.

We waited in line for about an hour but it was 100% worth the wait because we were about to meet One Direction. We were next to line and we could hardly wait. " Next" please the nice young man called out to us. I gripped the hat I bought niall tight as we walked in.

"Hey girls" Harry said as we walked in. I wanted to scream in joy but I stayed clam and manage to get out a simple hi. " Hi Boys" I said. " So are y'all excited about the concert? Liam asked. "Yeah we been waiting all year we can't wait, y'all are such amazing singers" Leah answered with a huge smile on her face.

Then Isabel walked up to Zayn and Harry to have one on one conversation with them instead of us all talking together because it was getting pretty awkward. Leah also had a one on one conversation with Liam and Louis. So the only people left was me and Niall. Then I realized this is my perfect chance to give him the hat I bought him before I chicken out like I always do.

"Hey Niall" I said kinda nervous. "Hey Love" Niall said in his most adorable Irish accent. "Uh, well I heard that you like flat bill hats so I bought you one. I said while holding up the hat I bought. " Wow, thanks love this is incredible I love it" he said in joy. " Great I hoped you would" I told him with a smile on my face. " Yeah so would you like me to sign anything ?" He asked me. " "Yeah sure I brought my copy of midnight memory's for y'all to sign if you don't mind?" I said while taking my midnight memory album out of my purse. "Of course we don't mind love" He took the CD from my hands and signed it then gave it to Zayn to sign it and they all passed it down to sign it. Then Louis gave me my CD back.

By that time it was time for us to take our picture with One Direction and leave to go to our seats and wait for the concert to start.

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