Night of the Living Dead

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*Justin's POV*

I walked over to where Ashlynn was sleeping. Her hair fell on her face, covering her plump pink lips. I brushed it away and gave her a little shake. "Baby? You awake?" She opened her eyes and looked around. "What time is it?" I smiled. "10:00 AM." She rubbed her eyes and sighed deeply.

"I have so many things to do today." She said in a tired tone. I admired her cuteness and smiled. "Like what?" She sat up straight in the bed. I noticed her slightly wince, but she played it off by smiling at me. "I'm throwing a huge Halloween party tonight, and I've barely started decorating--" "I'll help!" She laughed at my enthusiasm. "Are you sure?" I nodded and pulled the sheets off of her. "JUSTIN I'M COLD!" I smirked and bit my lip. "I can make you warm again." I leaned on to her and kissed her lips, gently running my teeth across her lower lip. She pulled away and sighed. "We have to stop doing that." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"To prepare you for your party, I was thinking we could have a little fun tonight." "Just like last night?" She said, biting her lip. I rolled my tongue around in my mouth.

That could work too.

"No, no. Not sex. Not tonight." She stuck her lower lip out. "That's a shame. I was going to wear this." She held up the black lacy lingerie that I had bought for her yesterday. "Sex is great, I love sex. We can totally do that." I said anxiously. "Too late, you already said no." My jaw dropped. "WE CAN MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR TONIGHT!" She laughed and walked into the bathroom.

"What were you thinking of doing tonight?" She said as she began to brush through her long, brown hair. "I was thinking for your party we could dress up as Justin Bieber and Ashlynn Jenner." She looked back at me. "No." "Come on Ash. I would be you, and you would be me." "You don't have boobs Justin." I rolled my eyes. "They have pills for that." She giggled. "Try again."

The thought of what we did came to my mind again. "You know in haunted houses how they have safe words?" She nodded. "I wonder if they have safe-words for sex....." I said, putting my finger to my chin. "SHUT UP JUSTIN!" I smirked and rubbed her arms. "I'm teasing." She shook her head and started to wash her face. I walked out into the bedroom and started to get dressed.

*15 minutes later*

"I figured out a safe word for if you get it in the wrong hole!" I said jokingly. She laughed and closed her eyes. "What is it?" "THE HOT DOG IS IN THE KEYHOLE, REPEAT, THE HOT DOG IS IN THE KEYHOLE!" "Did you just reference the Carrie Diaries?" I shrugged. "Men watch girly shows too." She stood up and walked over to my closet. "Should I wear this?" She said, pulling out a two piece set. I shook my head. "As much as I would love to see your ass in that, no." She blushed. "What about this?" She pulled out a pair of short, ripped, and no doubt, tight shorts and a white Thrasher shirt. "Yeah that looks good." I put my phone down and walked over to her.

"Justin what are you doing?" She said as I took her shirt off of her slender body. "Helping you get dressed." "Why?" She said as I slipped the shirt over her head. "Because I want to see how this," I slapped my hand on her ass as she sucked in air quietly. "Is going to fit into these." I said holding up her shorts.

Her face flustered and she looked down. "Step in." She stepped in the shorts and began to pull them up. I swirled my tongue around in my mouth and looked at her body. "Aren't you supposed to helping me?"


My mind must have wondered.

I bent down and pulled the shorts over her thighs. She wriggled her body around until they were resting tightly on her butt. "So that's how girls fit into yoga pants." She giggled and held on to my arm for support. I smirked a little as she stood up and faced me. "You have to promise me something Justin." I smiled at her. "Anything." "While we're out today, promise me there will be no sexual talk, no sex, no teasing." I swirled my tongue around in my mouth. "You know damn well I can't agree to that--" "Agree or else I'll chop off your hair in your sleep." I bit my lip and smirked.

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