A what?

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Authors Note 12/30/2020:

Hi there! My name is Whitney, I'm the author of 'Dark Descendants'

For a long time, I couldn't access this account, but now I can, so I wanted to explain some things before you start this story.

I wrote this story when I was about 14 years old. I'm 22 (almost 23) now. Therefore, not only is there a lot of errors in this story due to my age, but there are also continuity errors due to this story being written while TVD was still airing. This story began before the Original's first episode. Therefore, there are continuity errors in this story that don't match up with the canon story.

Notes to take into account: (because I get comments about this stuff all of the time)

-Yes, I know Stefan's eyes are green. Please stop telling me. 

-Arielle is not a heretic or a siphoner. This was written before those were ever introduced into the tvd universe.

-Yes, I'm aware that compulsion can be broken by witches. I wrote this before that was introduced in the originals.

-I'm aware I spelled grimoire wrong.

-Please take into account that this story was written by a 14-15-year-old kid, so judge it through that lens. I'm aware of the mistakes, errors, and problems with this novel.

-To those who have asked over the months/years, I am not interested in posting this story to any web novel apps. While I am flattered that so many have reached out to me, Dark Descendants is a fanfiction and I don't feel comfortable making money off of it. Furthermore, Dark Descendants no longer represents my writing abilities, and I don't have the time to re-write this novel, nor the motivation to do so.

-To those of you who have read over the years, whether you are a new reader or have been a fan of this story from the beginning, thank you! I truly, truly appreciate those who took the time to read a fic by a teenage girl who was so self-conscious of her writing abilities. Dark Descendants was a huge milestone in my writing. It makes me happy to still see people commenting on this fic after all this time. 

Please enjoy the story! 


I could sense darkness...All around me...It swallowed me into nothingness...It felt like my soul was being pulled from my body...I continued to fall and fall...There was no end...No beginning...No life or death...I was stuck in the middle...I was stuck in immortality...I was stuck in forever...

I stepped inside the bar, not putting down the spellbook as I walked in. Conversations were going on around me but I didn't take notice. I didn't pay attention when the conversations stopped either. 

"Gloria I found this spell and it..." I trailed off and looked up. Three people stood around in the closed bar, besides me. There was Gloria who was behind the counter, giving me mixed messages as she mouthed something incoherent to me. The next was a young man with sandy hair and blue eyes that were unreadable. I instantly knew him as Stefan Salvatore. I turned to the next person and if my heart was still beating it would've stopped then. The person was none other then Niklaus, original, werewolf, vampire and hybrid. 

I stopped short at my place, feet from the bar. Gloria cleared her throat and signalled for me to leave with her eyes. However, I would not be driven away by that awful, arrogant hybrid. 

"Arielle what are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to be back until Friday." She said, shifting her footing. I kept one eye on Klaus while speaking to Gloria. 

"I was going to but I finished up everything early so I decided to..come back. Why is the Hybrid and his henchmen here?" I asked, unable to pretend they weren't there any longer. Stefan smirked and Klaus chuckled in amusment. 

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