Monsters don't hide under beds, but inside of us

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I peer down at the necklace in my hand, wondering what the original witch (real original, not that wannabe Esther) wanted to give this to me for. Tatia is what you could call, the gateway of this world and the other. While I allow the witches a foothold in this world, it is because of her ghosts can even exist here with the living. The necklace practically glowed and I clutched it tighter in my hands, mumbling under my breath.

"What are you doing calling me?" Her voice came and I looked up, a little surprised it had worked. I grinned sadly at her.

"Why did you give me this?" I ask softly, holding out the necklace.

"Do you know what that necklace can do, Gabrielle?" She asks bluntly. I shake my head.

"Despite belief that the witches came around the tenth centurym witches have been around much longer, longer then werewolves, longer then any supernatural being out there. They are nature's servants, but they also have a duty to themselves and to humanity. Nature, in her indifference can't tell the difference between good and evil. She sees it two ways, hun. Either you are right or you are wrong. Evil and good do not exist in her eyes. She knows human nature better then anyone. There is no such thing as evil, only decisions and whether they are good decisions or bad ones. She does not base a person off of a decision, or many decisions they make. Nature watches all people grow and age, watching them make their decisions. She knows who they are inside."

"I'm not sure I understand." I say in confusion.

"Well of course you don't." She scoffs. "You're smart Gabrielle, and you aren't no fool i'll tell you that. You've made a bunch of bad decisions and you've made a bunch of good ones. You'll continue to make them. Some might even call you wise. But you are still a young girl, still frozen. Love will get in your way." She says knowingly. I scowl at her.

"So you're saying I should kill Klaus?" I ask and by the look in her eyes I see she thinks that is a very stupid question.

"It's not your job to pass judgment Gabrielle. Nature may not know good and evil, but she does know what's true about people and what should be done.  Your job is to enforce it as nature asks of you. Nature has made no attempt to rid this world of Niklaus, that has all been humans doings. Nature doesn't interfere unless the balance has tipped. And like nature has watched you, nature has watched him. She knows who Klaus is as she knows who you are. I'll tell you one thing though, Gabrielle. Nature knows there is no wrong in love, even if this love is by those who are wicked or those who are ignorant. And if love can still exist for those who are wicked, then they are not as hopeless as they seem." She says.

"So, Klaus isn't hopeless?" I ask, still slightly confused. She chuckles and stands up.

"I can't stay long, I'm not meant to be in this world any longer. I am a spectator, which is what those other nosy witches should be doing."

"But wait you still haven't told me why you want me to have this necklace!" I ask helplessly. I never felt helpless of at least inadequete, but I was feeling it now.

"Unfortunately, there is no cheat sheet to life dear. Your smart, you'll figure it out once your supposed too." She says and then she flickers in and out before completely leaving. I groan and like back on the sofa. The good thing about old old witches is that they were very intelligent and gave great advice, the bad thing is they like to speak in circles and have a flare for the cheesy and dramatic. I can't say I don't but hey I come for a different time like they do. As I ponder this the phone rings and I pick it up grumpily.

"Hello?" I ask, annoyed.

"Hello Arielle. Just wanted to let you know Elena and Caroline are down here at the school hanging out with me. I want you here now, or I'll kill them." Alaric sneers through the phone.

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