I Think It's Sinking In

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The doorbell rang as Collin was drying her hair after a shower. She turned to me, sitting on the bed, in a panic. "Can you get that?" She pleaded.

I raised my hands in the air, like, don't look at me. "I will not take part in adding another stab wound to that heart of yours."

"Please," she begged me, eyes wide.

Collin was really pretty. Green eyes, a heart shaped face with a smattering of freckles on her nose, wood colored hair. Skinny and tall, about five nine. Compared to my average looks (brown hair, brown eyes, absurdly pale skin) she was a freaking goddess. The kind of person who would've bullied me in school, if not for that fact that she was my savior instead. 

"I know you don't trust guys, not with all my breakups and your mom..." your mom being murdered by one. She didn't finish, knowing how painful the subject was for me even today.  

I rolled my eyes, trying not to let her see the tears that pooled in them. My mom had been murdered when I was eight, despite the fact that she was the most amazing person ever. That was the year I met Collin, and also the year I had stopped believing in God. Stopped believing in anything, for that matter. "Whatever," I agreed, keeping my head down to hide my eyes. I knew that my cheeks were probably all blotchy already based on how heated they felt. Dammit. 

I opened the door with a big, dramatic swing. The guy behind it had blond hair with a blue fringe, blue eyes, and skin few shades darker than my own, but still pale. "You here with...taco bros or something?" I asked, recognizing him from the array of posters in Collin's room. 

He blinked, fiddling with the flowers (roses, of course) nervously. "Uh, what?" Whatever he had been expecting, this obviously wasn't it. "Are you Collin?"

I shook my head, leaning against the door frame. I was trying to be intimidating, something that seemed to be working despite my being more than a foot shorter than him. "You're Josh Ramsay. From Marianas Trench." He nodded uncertainty. "Fall Out Boy did pizza bros, so I was wondering if maybe you were doing something different but similar. And, no, I'm Meg. Her girlfriend."

Josh blinked. "Her-what?"

"Meg, cut it out." Collin came in behind me, shaking her head.

"What, babe?" I hugged her. "I thought you wanted me to tell you the truth. Josh accepts it, don't you?"

Collin came into the hallway, wiping her hands on her jeans nervously. She saw Josh and Collin's eyes widened instantly.

"No, I-OH MY GOD YOU'RE JOSH RAMSAY." She nearly collapsed in on herself, leaning on me for support. "I-you-clothes. Off. Now." She stammered. Collin shook her head to clear it, blushing seriously.

"I wish I had recorded that." I teased. 

"What're you doing here?" She hit my arm not so lightly, causing my to wince. She had unknowingly hit one of my more recent bruises. 

"I have a date with Collin, which I'm assuming is you." Josh grinned. "I couldn't exactly say 'I work for Marianas Trench' on the website because so many people would use that as an advantage." He shook his head. "My friends signed me up, anyways, so I couldn't be too bullheaded and brag. Anyways, what's the...girlfriend thing?"

Collin shook her head, hair swishing around her face in curls. "Don't mind her. She doesn't usually come out of her cave very often." Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, my God. You probably think we're freaks."

He laughed. "Not any worse than me, or the people I'm usually around. As long as you've never written Jatt smut than I don't really care." He gestured down the steps towards his car. "Shall we?"

I yelled after them, fighting to be heard over the car's engine, "She may never have written Jatt smut, but you can bet your ass I have!" And watched them drive serenely off into the night.

Ugh this scene. When I first had the idea for the story the conversation was great, but that was back in the last school year. Now I can't remember much of it...which sucks.

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