You Could Be My Ever After

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//i hereby apologize for the last chapter. full crappiness. i'll try and make them better


"Maybe we should get going." Josh looked uneasily at the windows, which were showing the black tint of the sky outside. Clouds were beginning to form, preparing to unleash the flurry of snow the weather man had promised. "I wouldn't want to get caught in anything."

We paid for the pizza and left, packing two slices into a box for Meg. The walk back was almost completely silent, but I did nothing to disrupt it. Josh seemed to be thinking about something. 

And he was. About halfway to his house, closer to Raymond's than mine, he asked, "How did you meet Meg, anyways?"

I smiled to myself, my mind instantly filling with the image of eight year old Meg. She had been adorable, round faced with flushed cheeks. We both had been pretty cute, really. It was just the age. 

"She went to the same school has me in elementary. Meg had been there for a month, but no one had really sought her out. Not even me. She was just always so...strange? God, that sounds awful," I shook my head, "but that's what I thought of her. She seemed so hesitant to talk, like she was on the verge of speaking, but never did. There was always a book in her hands or headphones in her ears, like she was trying to block off any contact. But then, one day, we both sat on the bus together and-" I bit my lip.


I stopped walking, picking at my nail. "I'm-it's nothing, really. Meg's secret. I don't know if I should say anything. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even brought it up."

Josh reached for my hands, holding them loosely. Behind him, a slice of moon peeked out from behind the clouds, giving him a silvery glow through the dark. "Collin, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

"Of course," I nodded, not doubting this to be true for a moment. "It's just a lot. Even I barely know what happened, and I was there. I want to tell you, honestly-"

"So then do," he led me over to a bench and we sat down. 

I put my head on his shoulder. "I've just never talked about it before, only to the police." I saw him tense a little bit beside me. Of course, he never expected it to be that big of a deal. "Meg's book fell out of her bag on the walk up. I went in to give it to her, and her father was hugging her. Which was strange enough, because I later learned that her parents were divorced. But her mom was lying on the floor, covered in blood. So I pulled her away from him just before he tried to stab her and we hid in my apartment until the police came. I'll never forget that-he was out there for like half an hour, just screaming and yelling until he was taken away."

Josh put an arm around me, and it was only then that I realized I had been shaking. "Jesus," he muttered, holding me like he thought I would disappear. "God, oh my god. No wonder Meg..." He kissed my forehead. "I'm so, so sorry Collin." 

There was just nothing else to say.

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