I'll Be Your Disaster

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//i found a song called infinite by a band named ashrad and it's based off the perks of being a wallflower (one of my favorite books absoloodle ever) and i love it

two years later



"Oh, hey. It's Josh."

"Never could've known, honestly. What a mystery."

"Much secretive."

"Honestly. Was that doge reference?"

"Possibly. How're you?"

"Good. I just left the bakery, so I'm on my way home now. How'd the concert go?"

"It went a little over the time, meet and greets and all, but we'll be back soon. By tonight, at most."

"Cool. Will you bring home some pizza?"

"No, never. Get your own you filthy hoodlum."

"I feel personally attacked by that remarked."

"Yeah, that may or may not have been the point."

"...What are you talking about? No, I'm just talking to Josh. Has he done what?"

"Is that Meg?"

"Who else?"

"Okay, then tell her I said 'No'."

"Josh said no. Don't call him a wimp, he definitely won't bring back pizza if you do."

"Too late. I heard."

"Okay, she's gone now. What was she talking about?"

"Oh, that...ow, Ian, what the fuck? Fine, fine..."


"Alright. Let me think for a second."




"God, you're pushy. Alright, Collin, I just think...I think we shouldn't be girlfriend and boyfriend anymore, you know?"

"...I...will you still bring the pizza?"

"I'm glad you're so upset to hear that. Wow."

"I can call a bluff when I hear one, Josh."

"Fine. What I'm trying to say is, look out your window."

"I'm in the living room. There are no windows."

"Damn. Should've thought this through. Fine, go to your bedroom and look out the window."


"You there?"

"....Yeah, okay. Wha-Oh. Oh my God."

"I know, right? Matt looks pretty disturbing in a tutu. Okay. I know you can't hear me from out here, but-are you crying? You look like you might be crying."

"Shut up."

"I'd think that one through. Like I was saying, Collin, we've been together for three years."

"Technically not, with that break up and all, but go on."

"Fine. Two years, give or take. Probably give. Two years, and honestly I've been pretty happy, don't know about you."


"I'll take it. And, the thing is, Collin, I'd like to be pretty happy for the rest of my life. Would you marry me?"

"Fuck yes."

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