Picture Perfect Porcelain

15 1 7

><Meg, 18 years ago><

She was tall and thin. Five foot two and slender, even though we were still only in third grade. Her hair was dark, dark brown, almost black, with the brightest green eyes I had ever seen. Collin was one of those girls that everyone knew, but not really. Well liked, but without any friends. She always sat in the back of the class, writing or drawing or just thinking, not needing anyone or seeming to want anyone. And yet, if time came for people to partner up, she was always the first one chosen. I had often thought that she was the glue, holding our grade apart. On the rare days when Collin was sick, nothing was quite right in school. Everyone seemed to feel it. 

The bus bumbled along under us. We shared a seat, bags placed between us as a sort of barrier. Not to isolate, rather, to discourage any words or means of being social. We weren't friends. Seeing as how I had just moved to Vancouver from Toronto. a/n literally the only two Canadian cities I know I don't think anyone even knew my name. 

Outside the dirt tinted windows, the blur of buildings slowed. "This is my stop," I announced, grabbing my bag. I don't know why I did it, it wouldn't have mattered to Collin either way if I hadn't.

She nodded numbly, standing and collecting her bag as if in a trance. "Mine, too." 

We squeezed through the aisle, stumbling over backpacks that where thrown carelessly in our path. I tripped over one, put there by a brown haired fourth grader I recognized but had never actually talked to. Collin caught me by the arm, pulling me to my feet. "Might want to move that, Josh." She said absentmindedly to the boy. His name rung a bell, like his face, but there were dozens of Josh-es just in my grade alone. She saw me looking at her and shook her head. "Keep going, Meg."

She knew my name? She knew my name! I had a hope of a friendship filled future. Us giggling over boys, us singing along to our favorite songs. But then Collin nudged me forward again and reality took over. That didn't just happen.

"Mamma?" I called into the apartment. I had separated from Collin a ways down the hall after a long, awkward walk, most of it was spent with me pretending to be interested in the numbers on the doors and her reading her book.

No one answered. I stepped inside, flicking on the lights, and repeated myself. My parents were both doctors, but they made their schedules so that they could be with me as often as possible. Maybe she had left a note in the kitchen.

My footsteps echoed as I crossed the apartment. I heard louder ones in the living room and sprinted in that direction. "Mama!" I greeted, flinging my bag onto the couch. "There's a girl in my grade wh-" I froze. 

My mother lay on the floor, face down and frozen in a pool of deep, cherry red blood. A man leaned over her, wiping a knife on his shirt. His hair was light brown, the same shade of mine. When he looked up, his eyes were the same brown, like mine. 

"D-Dad?" I stammered, backing away. 

He winced. Then, a smile spread across his face. "Honey! I found your mother here. I don't know what happened." The smile grew wider, he spread out his arms as if to hug me. "C'mere. Daddy'll make it better."

And he would. He was my father, he always did. I trusted him more than anyone. I jumped forward, letting his arms engulf me. "Daddy!" My little fists banged on his back, hot tears streaming down my face as his hug became tighter, too tight.

He raised his arms above my head, muttering something. I was free from the embrace. Someone pulled me away, away from my father, just before the knife came down. Away from my mother, growing cold in her own blood, away from the apartment, and into one I had passed only a few minutes ago. Collin turned to me, slamming the door behind her. Her face was pale, even her hair seemed a few shades lighter. 

And that was the first time she saved me. 

Meg's role in the story is simple: She's Collin's best friend. Someone who'd be an extra in regular fics. I always wondered about these characters, so she'll have a few chapters of her own, but after now most of them'll be Collin. I don't want to really set a day for the weekly updates, but I will update. Just randomly. 

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