I Could Be Your Perfect Disaster

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I put my computer down on the floor, taking the cord and plugging it in so that it would be charged when I got back. Pulling on a jacket, it was starting to get colder, I went out into the living room, where Meg was watching tv. "Josh is going to be here soon. Do you need anything from the store on my way?"

She shook her head, looking up at me. "Oh. I was going to see if you wanted to watch some movies with me, but that's fine too. Bring me back some food if you can."

"I thought I told you that Josh was getting back today? Anyways, I will. We can watch movies later, right? I wont get home to late."

Meg cracked a smile, though it was more sardonic than real. "Just go, don't worry about me. Obviously you love Josh more."

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Please, Meg. I don't love Josh; I admit he's good to have around, and really cool, but it's not love. Too early for that." She raised her eyebrows at me and I shrugged, "I'm not going to waste this one, alright?"

She shrugged, reaching up and giving me half of a lazy hug. "I hope not. At very least, it's lasted longer than most of your relationships. That has to count for something."

Someone rapped on the door. I tapped Meg's head affectionately before running forward to let Josh in. 


I raised my fist to knock, but held for a moment. Inside, I could hear Collin and Meg talking. I wasn't one for eavesdropping, but I also didn't want to just butt into their conversation. Meg only just seemed to be getting to accept me; I didn't need to ruin that now. 

"Just go, don't worry about me. Obviously you love Josh more." Meg said from inside, her voice mostly muffled by the door and walls. I grinned, eager to know Collin's response to that one.

"Please, Meg. I don't love Josh; I admit he's good to have around, and really cool, but it's not love. Too early for that." There was a short pause, then, "I'm not going to waste this one, alright?"  

My brain whirred and heart hurt. Matt always warned me that I was too quick to fall in love. I guess, when you meet someone as beautiful and cool as Collin, it's not too hard for anyone. I wouldn't want to force her to be with me, if she didn't want to. And...what did she mean by "he's good to have around"?

I hated this. I hated thinking like this; I hated myself for thinking like this. But I had been tricked too many times. I had grown attached and been broken apart too many times. 

I knocked and Collin opened the door. "Are you ready to head?" She asked, zipping up her jacket.

Smiling halfheartedly, I waved goodbye to Meg, who was sitting on the couch. "Yeah, I'm ready."

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