Just For Now

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//hey april hey april hey april hi


The plane screamed its struggle as it made its way towards the ground, which came closer and closer almost teasingly before leveling out again on the runway. I couldn't stand being on planes. Not being someone who was afraid of much of anything (unlike Collin, who screamed at every little spider), it always unnerved me to even feel the slightest rush of anxiety. The tightening in my chest, like a piece of paper that kept being folded. The lightheaded feeling that took forever to go away. 

I wasn't even frightened by the height or idea that we could all just start plummeting out of the sky at any moment. It was how utterly detached from everything I felt, being so far away from the ground and civilization below. I couldn't help but imagine that as soon as we had taken off, a knife had completely cut away any connections I had back on the earth. 

The pilot made another announcement over the speakers. I grabbed my stuff from overhead and waited, letting some people pass. The anxiety started to fade, knowing that I would see Collin soon. Heck, I was even excited about seeing Josh, though I couldn't say too much about Mike and Matt. I barely even knew them, except for a few awkward encounters. Heck, I wouldn't even mind seeing Jacob by now. 

I was surprised to find that that wasn't even too much of an exaggeration. I must have been up there longer than I thought. 


Collin leaned on my arm, trying to get a better look at the wads of people mingling with the crowd we were in. I could tell she was anxious to see Meg, but her friend wasn't in sight. "C'mon," I nudged her gently with my shoulder. "Maybe she's by the baggage claim?"

She was. They both embraced for a long moment, jabbering away about the different concerts they had gone to. Finally, Collin covered her mouth with a hand. "Okay, no, you go first." She laughed. 

"I met Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz!" Meg yelled excitedly. She turned around the grab her bag and saw me, running over to hug me tightly. I was surprised; not only because Meg wasn't a hugger, but because the meet and greet tickets had all been gone. I had only given her a regular one. 

When I asked her about this, she just shrugged. "We ran into each other at the supermarket. Quite literally, actually. In fact, they even gave me-" She bit her lip. "Anyways, that's enough of a ramble. How did it go?"

Collin took Meg's luggage, giving her a smaller carry on in exchange. "Hold on," she said. "What did they give you?"

"Just an autograph." She shrugged, "I lost it, though. That's why I didn't finish. But they were really cool, so it's fine." 

I could tell Collin didn't like the answer, though it seemed like a good enough reason to me. We left the airport and drove back to their house, the car ride silent despite several attempts at conversation by each of us. Everyone was just tired, I supposed. 

Turning on my phone, I saw several texts from Ian. Sighing, I put it back in my pocket and walked Collin and Meg to their door. Though, if I was to be honest, I was really there just for the first. Though Meg was growing on my, in her own strange, hostile way. 

"Are you coming in?" Collin asked, throwing her keys onto the shoe bench. I shook my head and she gave me a quick hug. "That's probably for the best, not that I don't want you around, I just have to get a story written by tomorrow to stay on my deadline. See you soon?" 

I shrugged. "I have another concert tomorrow, but I'll be back on Saturday, if you want to go out for pizza or something." It had become our quick date night; pizza, carrying this thing on the way it started. 

She smiled, seeming a little hesitant before placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll see you Saturday, then. Goodnight, Josh."

"Goodnight," I whispered, watching the door close between us. 

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