Once Upon A Time

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I stood on the top of the cart as it rolled down the aisle. Meg jogged besides me, yelling whenever we had to turn or watch out for passing babies. We didn't need to grab much, just some cereal and things for Josh's cake, so we were done in only a few minutes. 

There were only a few people in the checkout line so I jumped off the cart, attempting to look like a normal person, and decided not to bother with self-checkout. 

I looked at the magazine rack, half reading the titles. Most of them were stupid crap, I knew, but I was sure Meg could get a kick out of them. I picked up one proclaiming a conspiracy theory about a certain celebrity being a murderer and looked over my shoulder to point it out to her. 

She hadn't even followed me into the line. Her gaze was instead fixed on the couple swiping their credit cards through the machine. One of the two recognized as Jacob, but the other I had never seen. Why would she be upset about this?

Meg must've seen the hurt on my face because she smiled slightly, walking over to kiss me. 

That was better. 


Josh strummed a few notes on his guitar, humming a tune to himself. We were both waiting for the rest of the band to come so they could start practice. 

"What's your favorite?" He asked, passing his pick from hand to hand.

"Hmm? My favorite song? Probably Madness right now, by Muse."

He nodded, starting to strum the chorus. The song was surprisingly lax. Whenever I tried to listen to it in my head and imagine what it sounded like, the beat was always a lot faster than it really was. Either way, I loved it.

"I, I can't get these memories out of my mind,
And some kind of madness has started to evolve."

I smiled and closed my eyes, tapping the rhythm on my leg and occasionally singing along. 

"But I have finally seen the light
I have finally realized
I need your love
I need your love.

"Come to me
Just in a dream.
Come on and rescue me.
Yes I know, I can't be wrong,
And baby, you're too headstrong.
Our love is


The door to the studio ended just as Josh played the last note. I opened my eyes and saw Mike grabbing his guitar. "Sorry I'm late. Was that Madness?"

"What else." I shrugged, pulling on my coat. I loved hanging out with the guys and all, but I needed to finish a story by Friday. Pulling my car keys from my pocket, I said goodbye and stepped outside, where Matt and Meg were climbing out of the car. 

I grabbed the latter's wrist, pulling her after me. "Perfect timing. Let's go home, Meg."

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