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Salice p.o.v
I woke up to someone banging on the door. I groaned standing up and going down. I opened the door.
"Ms. Rose how are you this fine morning!" Dylan said handing me a vanilla bean latte. He walked in, in kind of a rush.
"In all do respect i have. Fucking hangover and you just woke me up what could be so important mr. Posey!" I say glaring at him
"Well Ms. Rose I got good news and bad news." He said sucking his teeth at the end.
"Yay I love getting bad new is the morning!" I say sarcasm dripping in my words.
"Okay well Mr. Rose plead unguilty. Which means he will be out in 72 hours. Good news is that you will have security place all through your house along with security guards that will follow you everywhere you go!" He says
"Wait his ass is getting out in 3 fucking days!" I shout
"Yes but like I said you will be appointed security and security guards." He said again
"How do he plead unguilty!" I shout. Blake walked out rubbing his eyes.
"Baby? What's going on?" He asked
"Nothing Zeus it's okay!" I tell him he nodded coming down the stairs. He say next to me.
"Well he had better attorneys and a special relationship to the judge!" He says
"Okay Jared is officially a fuckboy!" I say rolling my eyes.
"So today at 3 we will have people come and do everything I said!" He said
"Just call me and let me know." I say. He nodded and stood up.
"Tell the husband I said hello!" I say
"I will goodbye!" He said walking out.
"It's not nothing! Tell me luna!" Blake insisted
"Okay my dad pleaded unguilty and he is getting out in 3 days there putting security and shit on us!" I tell him.
"Why do that when me Loren Mario and the gang could protect you!" He said
"Did you hear what you just said a GANG" I say emphasisng gang
"Yes I know but we don't have enemy's!" He said
"As long as I'm not doing ANY time I'm fine!" I said. Before I knew it my drink was done. I pouted and threw it in the trash. I heard everybody else waking up.
"Morning ninjas!" I say
"Alright it's official I will never smoke again!" Stefan said
"Oh shit I forgot you were here!" I said
"And also why the FUCK didn't you tell me my dad was getting out!" I shout at him.
"What do you mean I haven't even been to work!" He shouts back
"Lower your voice lil boy!" I warn
"Sorry, but I really didn't know!" He told me.
"Alright!" I tell him nodding.
"Can we watch movies all day?" Kylie said
"Yes please!" I say dragging out please. We all went to the movie room. I put on Netflix.
"What genre?" I ask
"Horror!" Everyone shouts
I groaned getting out of the netflix app and going Into an app called showbox. It has all the movies that just came out. I went to the horror genre. We decided on watching don't breath. I set down my phone. I was sitting next to Stefan.

20 mins into the movie 😂
I was gripping onto Stefan.
"How the hell can he do that!" Kylie shouts. I look over and she is hidden into Derek's shirt.

30 mins into the movie
The blind guy had already killed 2 of them. Like what in the flying fuck.
"What the hell don't make fucking noise you stupid bitch!" I shout at the t.v. The blind guy appeared around the corner then left.
"Run bitch like fucking run out the damn house you stupid white bitch!" Stassie shouted. The stupid white bitchs boyfriend got caught like what in the flying fuck.
"Okay how the hell can this scary ass bitch do that!" I shout
All the guys were chuckling at how stupid we were being.
"Stop laughing this is serious there could be blind people tearing people up like what the fuck!" I yell again. This time they laughed harder.
"Watch imma laugh at y'all when some blind old guys grabs you all and kill you slowly and painfully I'm gonna go to your grave laughing!" I say crossing my arms.
"Aw baby don't be like that." Blake says I hear Kylie scream and I look at the t.v. The girl just got caught.
"Oh no no no NO!" I say shaking my head. It was getting really scary with music playing and shit. We heard a knock on the door and we all screamed. I sighed holding my chest. I stood up and went to answer the door.
"Hello Ms. Rose?" The guy asked
"Who's asking?" I ask
"Hello I'm with the security system Dylan sent!" He said holding his hand out. I just stood my position.
"Okay." He said rubbing his neck.
"I'm gonna have to see that Dylan sent you." I say sternly.
"Okay!" He said. He pulled out his phone and clicked Dylan's contact. He put it on speaker.

D. Hello
G. Hey Dylan it's me AJ
D. Hello AJ have you reach Ms. Rose house
G. Yes I'm actually here she just needed some confirmation that you sent me!
D. Oh yes hello salice I sent him to put in the security
S. Ok just needed to be sure and Dylan I don't need body guards
D. Okay so just the security
S. Yes
D. Okay love I'll see you soon!
S. Bye
AJ hung up.
"Sorry please come in!" I say he nodded walking in.
"Okay we will put cameras on the outside and some inside. We will put the most advance security!" He said
"Okay no problem do we need to leave?" I ask he nodded and I smiled.
"Guys come on let's go to IHOP I'm starving!" I groan out everyone cheered and stood up. I walked out and the guys followed. We got in my moms old car. Everybody piled in Blake next to me. I plugged in my phone and the song slow motion played. We were all singing and dancing. I heard a phone bing then all our phone binged. I stopped and looked at my phone.

UK. I'm coming for you that little security isn't going to work 😊 have your fun now!😌😂

We all had a look if horror on our faces.
"Do you think it's him!" I ask
"Obviously who else has a death wish or a dead pool against us!" Kylie said. I continued driving to IHOP
"We are trippin let's just eat!" I say. I was thinking other wise.
What the fucking shit I thought he said three fucking days! None of this is fucking right!
I pulled up to the IHOP and we all got out. I walked up to the lady and she smiled.
"18 please." I say nicely. She saw the boys and she instantly turned hoey. She batted her eyes and twirled her hair.
"Woah okay Keep to yourself these guys are taken!" I tell her. She glared at me and I smiled. She took is to a large booth and blew kisses to the guys. While she was walking away the guys started yelling hoe. I put my hand over my mouth and started laughing. I guess she was glaring cause Derek yelled if looks could kill we all be dead. Another person came to take our order.
"Hello I'm Kenneth and I'll be your server today can I start you off with a drink!" He says nicely
We all ordered a water and he nodded walking off. Our phones dinged again.

UK. I see you having a nice breakfast with your friends 😊 how sweet Maybe you'll spot me maybe you won't! ☺️

I put my hands over my face. I look at Blake and he is typing away at his phone.
"Zeus what are you doing?" I ask
"Texting the Gang there on there way right now." He said putting his phone down. I nodded. Kenneth had came back with our drinks. We thanked him an he asked for our orders. We all ordered bacon eggs pancakes and hash browns. He nodded and walked away again.
"There here!" Blake said. I nodded and 3 to 4 boys walked in.
"That's duke Bobbi AJ and Jessica!" He said introducing the people walking to us.
"Hey boss you said this creep was in here?" Some boy said
"Yes duke he is somewhere in here, look for a guy with a phone out. If they have a phone out and they are by themselves take them and make sure nobody notices!" Blake instructed.
"Zeus what if they aren't him!" I shout at Blake.
"I've done this before salsa I know what I'm doing!" He told me. I sighed but nodded. The four of them broke up looking around. Kenneth came back with all of our food. He put them down.
"Derek is saying grace!" I say. He nodded. All of our food got put down and we joined our hands. Kenneth walked away and we bowed our heads.
"Thank you god for having us live another day, for giving us this meal and the security we need. Thank you for giving me such amazing people I could call my family! Amen!" He says ending it we all said amen and started eating.

10 minuets later
We finished eating and the Blake's guys haven't found anyone. We all got another text.

UK. Leaving so soon? Awe I was just about to get started! Guess I'll have to wait! Oh Blake your best people couldn't even find me! So let's play hide and seek! You hide and I will find you! Goodbye see you in a couple days ❤️

"What the hell this person is driving me nuts!" I shout. I heard a truck go off so I looked. The truck was going by slowly. I caught a view of the guy in the car and he winked.

No this can't be happening

So who do you think it is???? 😏😏😏😏😏😏

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