Chapter Five

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Re'hotpe touched Addisu's face and wiped her tears

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Re'hotpe touched Addisu's face and wiped her tears. "Why do you cry, mama?"

"It is mother, not mama. You are no longer a little prince," Addisu said with a shaky chuckle.

Addisu had called Re'hotpe to her chambers after her prayer with Queen Nefertari. The prayers had done little to subdue the trepidation that squeezed her heart or the restless fear that churned in her belly.

Her son, bright and alive, was seated at her feet with his white kilt bunched around his crossed leg. When he looked at her, there was soft concern in his eyes. If only he knew. She had promised herself not to tell him Moses' latest threat. There was no need to trouble the boy further than he already was.

"Alright, mother, why do you look so sad? Is it father?" Re'hotpe tilted his head, causing his side ponytail to sway. "Does he trouble you like before?" A frown touched his brow.

"It is not your father. This is bigger than him."

Addisu's lips trembled as she took in her son's features. He was so young. His skin gleamed in the light of the oil lamps, and his dark kohl-enhanced eyes were wide and bright with intelligence. He was different from Pharaoh's sons.

My Re'hotpe is perfect.

What if she runs away with him? Would Moses' declaration still affect them? She shook her head at the thought; it was too foolish. Even if they used the Pharaoh's fastest stallion, they would be unable to reach the borders of Pi-Ramesses before midnight.

"Tell me what troubles you. I may be able to help," Re'hotpe said with an air of seriousness.

Addisu chuckled at his confident words. What could a twelve-year-old do to ease her fear? If anything, his presence both soothed and punished her fretting mind.

"Come to Mama," Addisu said with open arms. "Let me hold you."

Re'hotpe stood and walked into her arms. "But you said I should not call you mama."

"The rule does not apply to me."

As Addisu hugged him, she took in his scent. Concern for his well-being constricted her heart; the pain was too much. Shutting her eyes tight, she tried to fight the fresh tears that pushed at her lids.

"Mother, you are crushing me."

"Oh." Addisu held Re'hotpe at arm's length with both hands resting on his shoulder.

"I heard Moses said all first sons would die by midnight. Is that why you weep?"

Addisu gasped and rose to her feet. "Who told you that?"

There was a sad smile on Re'hotpe's face as he looked up at her. "Japheth told me. His mother was one of my caretakers, remember? He secretly visits me once in a while."

Addisu placed a shaky hand over her chest as she struggled to breathe. If he knew he was going to die, why was he not panicking? Does he not understand the concept of death?

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