Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Chelsea's Point Of View 👻

Crappy morning. It's a crappy morning. The world is still in chaos and there airplanes all around.. This is bad. I walk into Rue's ward, "hey Hayley, how's Rue doing?" I asks, "she's in need of a kidney, me, Shane's and Blake's doesn't work," Hayley replies, worriedly.

"How about you check me?" I asks, "I thought you will never say that," she replies, I roll my eyes and went into the office.

After a while, the result come out. She looks at me with the paper work in her hands, "Chelsea, your kidney can give her.." She says, nervously. I raised my eyebrows, "Chelsea.. You have kidney cancer.. That's why you're coughing and vomiting blood," she whispers, how could this be?


I went into the kitchen, "hey Chelsea, feeling okay?" Zayn asks, I look at the 9 dorks. "Chelsea?" Liam asks, raising his eyebrows at me. "Of course, I'm fine, it's not like I'm sick or anything," I replied, nervously. "You're sick," Michael says, I chuckled nervously.

"I'm not," I stated, taking out a cupcake. "Chelsea, what happened?" Harry asks, I look at the cupcake, avoiding eye contact with them. "I have.. Cancer.." I muttered under my breath, "you what?" Liam asks, "erm.. See you guys soon?" I asks, running out of the kitchen.

I went into Kayla's ward, "hey Oliver," I mumbled, standing awkwardly. "Hey," he mumbles, I sigh softly. "I'm sorry," I whisper out, "why? It's not your fault," he smiles slightly. "But she saved me, how is it not?" I asks, "look, Chelsea, you've done a lot for The Skulls," Oliver started off.

"You made our dreams came true, it's time to make yours come true," he says, "what? No way," I say, "I'm going to somewhere so I will see you somewhere else," I say, avoiding the subject. "Chelsea," I bump into Harry, here we go.

"Yes?" I asks, innocently. "You sick?" Niall asks, joining in. "I'm not, I'm going to the studio," I reply and quickly run away.

I went into the studio and lock the door. "Hey Chelsea," Luke says, I groan. "When will this end?" I asks, sarcastically. "Its just me here," he says, eating ice cream. Why do I always find him eating stuff? "What's wrong?" He asks, I sigh and sit down on the chair. I put my hands on the table, "you can't tell anyone this," I say, he nodded.

"I have kidney cancer," I whisper out, "what?" He asks, disbelieved. I shrug slightly, "is there a cure?" He asks, "not sure yet," I replied, "Chelsea, that's bad," he whisper out. "Chelsea!" I heard Ashton knocking on the door. I went over and open the door.

"You're sick?" Ashton asks, "yeah, love sick!" I replied, sarcastically. "You are?" Calum asks, raising her eyebrows. "I'm not," I snap, their smiles faded. "Thought you were in love with Luke but then you won't be sick.. I don't know where I'm going with this," Michael mumbles, walk out of the studio.

"Me and Luke are just friends," I say, they stare at me. "What?" I asks, curiously. "We just saw your eye color change and it's so cool," Calum mumbles, odd boys.

"I'm going to the kitchen," me ad Luke says at the same time, we look at each other. "For a chocolate cake.." We mumble, we raised our eyebrows. "Not if I get it first!" I exclaim, running to kitchen. "No fair!" Luke shouted.


I walk out of the kitchen, defeated by Luke Robert Hemmings. I stop walking and look at 8 dorks who is looking at us. "Am I in trouble or something..?" I asks, mumbling. "No, since we just realized you're the real Chelsea Collins and you're the Ma'am of the headquarters.." Harry replies, trailing behind.

"What else you can do?" Calum asks, going to straight to the point. "I can do magic," I replies, "oh, I hate Chelsea's magic," Brandon mumbles, walking past me. I grab his hand and pull him back, "that's why you're helping me with my magic trick," I say, he groans.

"What trick you're going to do?" He asks, "sleep," I say, hitting his back. His head look down, "oh no, you're doing Chelsea magic again," Alex groans, I roll my eyes and look at Brandon. "What do you know about Chelsea?" I asks, "I know that Chelsea is in love with one of the guys in this room," he replies, my eyes widen.

"What?" I asks, "zombies rule!" Brandon shouted, I hit his back. "What happen?" He asks, coming back to conscious. "You said Chelsea is in love with one our guys," Harry replied, bluntly. "Which I'm not," I stated, "whatever, I'm going to gym, I'm losing my packs," Brandon says and walks off.

The boys look at me, my lips parted slightly as I heard someone open the front door with keys. "Your eyes just change to grey," Niall pointed out, "Grandma is here!" I exclaim, walking to the front door. "You've guessed it, I'm in Vegas, baby!" Grandma exclaims, "granny!" Max smiles and hug her.

"Hey Gran," Blake says, I put my arm around her shoulders since she's shorter than me. "Hey guys, meet our Grandma, aka the host of Old Ghost Adventures," I introduced to the boys, "Old Ghost Adventures? I watch that every night but then I stop because it gives me nightmares.." Calum mumbles, his smile fading at the end.

I chuckled and we all plop down on the couch. "What are you doing in Vegas?" I asks, looking at Granny. "Can't a woman like me come to Vegas and mingle?" Granny asks, raising her eyebrows. Our jaws drop, "I'm just joking!" Granny exclaims, laughing. We all chuckle nervously.

"Granny, don't ever do that again," I say, smiling. She chuckles, "let's watch some home movies, shall we?" Granny asks, putting her bag on the coffee table. "Erm, boys.. You can leave now," I say, nervously. "No, we will like to stay," Ashton says, they all nodded in agreement.

This is going to be the worst night of my life.

I look at the CD, "2000, Christmas Morning," I read out loud. "Oh! I wanna join!" Blake exclaims, sitting beside me.

The video starts playing. "Kids, come down!" Mum shouted, "morning Granny," we all mumbled, running past her. "This is Hayley's, Chelsea's, Shane's and Blake's!" Mum exclaims, passing the present to us. "It's all from Granny," She added, I was 7 year old then.

Sigh, I miss our old house in Liverpool. Yeah, I live in Liverpool. My Mum is born and raised from there. "Yes! Guns!" Blake shouted, pointing the gun at me. "Hey!" I glare at him, Shane opens his and took out an electric guitar. "How come he gets one?" I asked, looking at the camera. "Open yours and you will find out," Granny says, behind the camera.

I ripped off the wrapping and took out an red electric guitar. "Rock and roll!" Hayley shouted, taking out a keyboard. "Wow, you guys are born like this?" Liam asks, "when it's meant to be, it's meant to be," Zayn mumbles, deep.

The video changes and we're in the backyard. "It's the first week of December!" Mum exclaims, waving to the camera. "Mum, things keep dropping on my face!" Shane shouted, oh I like this scene. "It's call snow, you dumb egg," I snapped at him, I chuckle at my statement.

"Mum! Snow is on my face! It is going to kill me!" Shane shouted, freaking out. We all burst out laughing, "old times, old times," Blake says, patting my back. The video changes, it shows a video of me in front of the drums.

That's in 2002, I was 9. "Is the camera rolling?" I asked Granny, "yeah," Granny replied. I smile and took the drum sticks and begin playing it. Wow, I was good. Our jaws drop, "Chelsea, you're a natural!" Blake shouted, standing at the corner of the room. Then one of the drum sticks flew out of my hand and hit his face. "Ow!" Blake shouted, "sorry, I'm nervous," I apologized with a guilty look on my face.

The video changes, "hey Mum!" Hayley and I enter dining room. "Look what me and Chelsea can do," Hayley said, we begin dancing. I was 9 and she was 8, it's a wonderful childhood till we need to be sent away. "And look what I learn," I said, grabbing my guitar from the corner.

I begin playing a guitar solo, I think I learnt it by listening to the song over and over again. "Wow, you guys are good," Mum said, clapping. "It's my dream to become a rock star one day!" Hayley exclaims, Mum looked at me. "What is your dream, Chelsea?" She asked, I looked at her with my blue eyes.

"To make everyone dream's come true," I replied, "you did that already," Alex mumbles, joining in. "Well, Chelsea.. There's gotta be a dream of yours," Mum explained, I smiled innocently at her. "To rock out with Michael Jackson on stage, sing with Whitney Houston and play the best top guitar solo on a world tour!" I exclaimed, what. I said that?

"Well, Chelsea.. Looks like your dreams are all done," Liam says, "oh, it's not finished yet," Aunt Dolly says. "And I hope, one day there will be a Prince Charming," I face-palm myself, I'm such a stupid kid. "Chelsea likes Taylor Lautner!" Shane shouted, bursting into the room. "Hey!" I chased after him.

The video ended, "well Prince Charming ain't here yet," Blake says, patting my knee. "He was but then he died," I stated, standing up. "Since my Granny is here, knock yourselves out with her ghost stories," I say, grabbing a sandwich from the table. I press the blue button, "it's time for work," I sigh, walking into the office.


"Night Chels," Lea mumbles, leaving the office. I lean against my table and look at the big screen with red and white dots all around. "Hey," I turn around to see Louis Tomlinson. "Hey Louis," I mumbled, "I'm really sorry for what I said," he says in a soft tone.

"It's really okay, it's not like the first time that anybody said that to me," I say, shrugging. "But you went.. Slightly psycho," he says, I chuckle. "Side effects of the injections," I say, he smiles slightly. "Why aren't you asleep? Everyone has gone to sleep," he says, I sigh softly.

"Well.. I'm really worried what will happened during midnight," I replied, mumbling. I fold my arms, "you should go to bed," I say, looking at him. "Maybe later, your Granny's ghost adventures kinda freaks me out," he says, I laugh. "You know they are all real right?" I asks, getting slightly serious.

"Why did you just tell me that? Now I'm afraid to sleep," He whines, I laugh and change the screen to space. "Hey Lou, Hey Chels," Calum mumbles, entering the office. "Ghost adventures?" I asks, raising my eyebrows. "Yep," Calum mumbled, sitting on the chair and wrapped his blanket around him.

"Hey guys," Niall says, bringing in food. "Hey guys," Michael says, coming in with more food and his Nintendo in his hands. "Why do you all come here just because you guys are scared?" I asks, zooming into our Australia headquarters. "Because you will protect is from ghosts," Luke replies, joining us.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, "fine, you guys can s-s-stay," I stuttered then the rest of the boys starts coming in. "I'm lonely at night," Ashton says, trying to hide his fear. "You guys can stay, and watch a movie but I have to do my work," I say, I jump and pull down the shelve of movies.

"Cool!" They all chorused, "knock yourselves out," I say, going over to the computers.

Louis is kinda of cute. But I think he has a problem. Why am I thinking about him anyway? Ish.

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