Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Louis' Point Of View 👻

The boy fell asleep on the couch and some of them are on the floor. I'm not asleep yet, I'm watching Chelsea work in front of the computers. She's so serious about this so-called-job of hers. I watch as her eyes turn grey, it's a beautiful shade of grey.

I smiled slightly, snuggling more into the blanket. My eyes slowly closes, oh no! I'm losing to the darkness!



A bright blue light disturb my peaceful sleep, I groan softly and open my eyes a little. Where did that blue light went? Where did Chelsea go? I slowly got up and went over to the computers. The things she written down, that's odd. She stopped mid-sentence.

"Something wrong, Lou?" Liam asks, looking at me. His hair all messed up, "er, yeah.. Chelsea is missing," I reply, mumbling. "What? How can it be?" Liam asks, standing up. "Keep it down!" Michael groan, putting the pillow over his face.

Liam pick up the paper on the floor, "press the blue button. Bailey Collins. NOW!" I read, same handwriting as Chelsea's. I look around for the blue button, I press down and nothing happened. "Bailey Collins.. Isn't it Chelsea's Step-sister?" Liam asks himself, odd Liam.

"What happened?" Alex asks, rushing in with Lea, Brandon, Diana and Eugene. "I saw this blue light and when I woke up, she's gone and left this note," I say, giving him the note. "The blue light can be the portal," Eugene assumes, going to the computers.

"Track her down, and I will try to find her," Alex ordered Brandon and runs off. "Why are they sleeping on the floor?" Diana asks, raising her eyebrows. "Grabs Ghost Adventures," Liam replies, they all nodded and walks off to their tables. "Hey, I heard talking.. Something wrong?" Luke asks, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"We're trying to find Chelsea at 2am, you can go back to sleep, everything is under control," Eugene replies to his question, Luke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What was Chelsea wearing?" Lea asks, looking at us. "Black sweater with jeans and black sneakers," I replied, they all look at me. "What? I'm an very observant person," I say, looking at their faces.

I sit down on the chair, "good," Lea says and look back at her laptop. "Er, Alex.. I broke my laptop," Diana says, grabbing her laptop. The wires coming out, "yikes," Eugene mumbles, taking it from her. Alex sighs and look at the screen.

"The portal seems to stop at North Pole," Eugene says, "good, Lea come with me to set up the blue portal," Alex says, "hey Luke, can you help me for a sec?" Brandon asks, Luke got up from the floor and walks over. Diana went over to the the side and enter a small room that was built in here.

She put on her headphones, "okay, heading to North Pole," she says, pressing some buttons and switches. "Brandon, is the cameras ready yet?" Eugene asks, opening the door to the room that Diana is in. "It's a very long security code, it's difficult to hack in," Luke replied, we raised our eyebrows in surprise. "Hey, what's going on?" Calum asks, getting up.

"Okay, I give up trying to go back to sleep," Michael grumbles, getting up. "What's going on?" The rest of the lads got up, except for Zayn. "Boy, you're a heavy sleeper," Ashton mumbles to him, "Chelsea is missing," I replied, "she's what?" They all repeated.

"Okay, Alex and Lea are their on the way to North Pole," Diana says, coming out with Eugene. "I hacked in!" Brandon shouted, the big screen flashes. "It's the camera for the portal!" Brandon groans and look back at the computer. Odd Skulls.

"I hacked in," Luke says, we all stood up and look at the computer. Chelsea in chains, her hair messed up. "Hi Chelsea," Jeremy tilted her chin, "damn it," Eugene mumbles when we saw her face. Her nose bleeding, her pupils are red and glare into Jeremy's eyes. "What do you want from me?" She asks, we could see breath coming out of her mouth.

Jeremy is in winter clothes and Chelsea, she just have sweater and jeans on! Her lips are white then her pupils went light grey. "You know I cheated on you for a reason," Jeremy says, Chelsea raise her eyebrows. "Because Noah said that he've always loved you," Jeremy says, he stood up and walk away. "And so, this is your punishment," Kenneth appeared, a whip in his hand.

"Are Alex and Lea there yet?" Liam asks, worriedly. "Half-way!" Eugene shouted, shaking a little. "Dude, are you okay?" Diana asks, folding her arms. The whip went up and hit her back, we can hear the swiping and the impact. It echoed in the whole area.

Chelsea's hands clenched, "I can't watch this," Calum mumbles, looking away. Her eyes went red again, another whip and Chelsea didn't show any sign of pain at all. The screen begins to shake then the screen went black and white.

"Shit," Brando mumbles and look back at the computers. "Alex and Lea reached!" Eugene exclaims, they went back into the room and start talking into the speakers. I could hear someone chattering, I look around. "Sorry, it's freezing," Niall shivers, grabbing his blanket. "Sorry, I left the AC on for too long," Diana apologizes and turn it higher.

The screen went back on, there is blood on the floor. "Where are there blood on the floor?" Fawn asks, looking at Kenneth. They shrug and look at Chelsea. "I'm dying soon, you happy?" She asks, huh? "I have kidney cancer, stage 2!" She shouted, we all gasps.

"What?" Liam asks, unbelieved. "Take her to the room," Bailey mumbles, kidney.. Cancer?

We saw Alec and Lea walking down the hallway, Chelsea is tied to a chair with a television in front of her. "Me and Chelsea are engaged," Noah Russo appeared on the screen, Chelsea's eyes went back to normal, her normal, bright, blue eyes.

The whole screen went back, "they have discovered us," Luke mumbles, biting his lips worriedly. "What are we going to do now?" Eugene asks, looking at us. "Wait," Diana mumbles, grabbing a chair.

Oh, I hope Chelsea will be fine. Of course.. Lea and Alex too..


- 2 and half hour later -

"The portal is opening," Shane mumbles, it's 4.30am and everyone is alerted. Chelsea's Mum and Tiger step in, Alex help Chelsea out and Lea comes out with.. Annie? "Chelsea and Annie are injured," Alex says, quickly bringing her into the paramedic room.

"Hey boys," Annie smiles, we all look at her. I met her familiar hazel eyes.

Flashback 🌹

"Hey Lou, sorry, I'm late," Annie says, running into the restaurant. She kisses my cheek and sit opposite of me, "it's okay," I smiled at her.


"Hey, I gotta go," Annie says, after looking at her phone. "Again? Last time, when we met the boys, you ran the minute we are about to begin the game," I say, standing up. "I'm sorry, babe," she apologizes and runs off.

I sigh, "I will wait here for you!" I shouted, and went out of the restaurant. I sit down at the bench and waited.


"Sorry, Lou. I won't be coming back. I need to save my love."

I got a text from Annie.

Her love. She need to save her love.

End Of Flashback 💀

"Hey, how's Chelsea?" I asks Liam when he join us. "Not doing good, she's pretty shaken up," he replies, "but she settled things with The Phoenix and she practically saved the world," Alex added, "the world saw what she did and now.. The world are assuming all The Skulls are alive," Lea says, putting a plate of brownies on the table.

"Isn't that good?" Ashton asks, "no," Layla snaps. "Hayley, Rue's system went dead!" Blake shouted, Hayley quickly run in. This is bad.


Chelsea's Point Of View 🌹

It's hard to lay back with scars on your back.. I sit beside Alex in the meeting room with all the rest of The Skulls. "So, Chelsea saved the world, which is all over the news now," Alex started off, "and-" I cut him off before he says anything. "We're bring The Skulls back," I say, standing up.

"What?" They all look at me, "come on, I practically know you all ever since we're in diapers and I know you all miss looking at fans and singing and dancing," I say, smiling slightly.

"We go back on Teens Choice Award," Alex says, "Cory Montieth found dead in his hotel room," the news reported, what. We all turn to the screen, "Cory Montieth was engaged to Lea Michelle and apparently, getting married in two weeks, this is just sad like two years ago when Noah and Chelsea was engaged," what.

Alex switch off the television and we all look at our group. "So Skulls, ready to swear again?" Alex asks, "yes sir!" They all shouted, smiling and stood up.


"Hey Mum," I hug her quickly and went to join the group. "Oh my gosh, can't believe this is happening," Granny mumbles, excitedly and hold up her video camera. "We, The Skulls swear in Las Vegas headquarters," I started off, "to not break the code of The Skulls, we swear on the company to do our jobs resposibily," I added, "my name is Chelsea Payne and I swear to The Skulls that I will not betray the group," I say, and walk to my Mum.

"My name is Alex Sykes and I swear to The Skulls that I will by betray the group," Alex says, it went on and on till it reached Annie and Sam. "My name is Annie Walker.." She started off, nervously. She looks at Louis, what's going on? "And I quit The Skulls," she says, "what?!" We all look at her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles and run off, "I will go get her," Austin says, running after her. "What's going on?" I asks, looking at One Direction. They all look at Louis, "Annie wanted to her find her love and her love was Noah," Louis mumbles, ouch.

"I'm sorry," Annie apologizes, looking at me. "Whatever, it's not like it matter anymore," I mumbled, "Noah is still alive!" She exclaims before I walk away. "How it be?" Brandon asks, "The Phoenix have their technology upgraded and took Noah's body and make him alive again," Annie explains.

"That's nonsense," me and Lea mumbles, "and you and Louis need to talk," Liam says, we all nodded in agreement. Noah can't be alive.


"Got all of your stuff already?" I asks, putting my things in my car trunk. "Yeah," Harry replies, mumbling. "Can't believe you guys are leaving," Ashton mumbles, scratching the back of his head. "Hey, me, Lea, Diana, Eugene, Brandon and Alex will be in Australia after the Teen Choice Awards," I say, "that's great!" Calum exclaims.

I smiled slightly, "hey! How about us?" Louis asks, the 5 dorks folded their arms at us. "I think we will meet around during tour," Alex assumes, I chuckled. "You will never know," I say, "because she's Chelsea Payne," Shane pats my back, "ow!" I glare at him.

"Sorry," he mumbles, putting his arm around my shoulder. "See you guys, have a safe trip back!" Lea waves and they enter the plane which Simon sent for the boys. "Bye!" They all waved and the helicopter took off.

I sigh, "New York, we go!" Eugene shouted, I got into the passenger seat and Shane started driving my car.

I'm going to miss the boys. Especially Luke and Louis. They've been nice to me.. Although Louis and I have a fight though but it was okay. I turn on the radio, "army helicopters will be sent all over the world to help," they reported, "you've done it, Chelsea, you save the world!" Mum pinches my cheeks from the back seat.

"And our little Rue saved my life," I say, passing her a little present. "And Mum, your necklace," I say, "hey, I was doctor, how come I don't get anything?" Blake asks, I chuckled and gave a big box. "Oh, I wonder if it's a soft toy," He says, taking it from me.

We're heading to New York and.. It's going to be wonderful. I guess. Tiger have been sent to London zoo because we can't keep him. Aw, I'm going to miss him. I put Angela on my lap as she plays with Mum's phone in her hands. "So honey, fallen in love with any boys?" Mum asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh, I like Luke," Shane says, "me too!" Max agrees, I chuckled. "I don't know, still thinking of it," I replied to Mum's question. "Hm.. Louis seems nice too," Rue says, i roll my eyes.

The Collins' Family.. Entertainment everyday. "I'm loving the air!" Granny shouted from Brandon's car. Aunt Dolly and Granny cheer, "you have a great family!" Brandon shouted, smiling. "Thanks, we get that a lot," I say, laughing.

Ah.. I miss being with my family.

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