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Author's Note:
Re-starting this story yet again, this time the plot won't change and everything is planned. Hope you all like it.


I stared at the sun set, sitting on the warm sand, supporting my body on my elbows.
I let out a sigh and smiled, relishing the feeling of the warm breeze fanning my hair, making me all warm and cozy.
I loved the beach and the feeling of the soft warm sand grazing my hands and feet.

The sound of clearing of a throat pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Planning to drown yourself ?" I rolled my eyes at the all to familiar voice.
"What do you want Ron ?" I asked, irritation clear in my voice.
"Mom told me to tell you that dinner is ready." He said, a taunting smile gracing his lips.
That ladies and my gentlemen is my frustrating little brother, Aron Wilson but friends and family prefer to call him Ron.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said and shooed him away with my hand, as if he's a dog. He groaned and I swear I heard him say something that rhymes with hitch.

I opened the glass doors of our family beach house and walk inside.
"No sand in my house! Shoo!" My mother's high pitched voice rang through my ear and I fought the urge to groan loudly and to flip her off.
"Mother! Your OCD is killing me." I said and turned to face my mother who stood at my right side, at the entrance of the music room, a broomstick in her hands. She likes everything to be spotless, little did she know how messy her daughter is.
"I'm gonna bring you a towel and you're gonna do something about the sand, understand ?" My mother said in a stern voice and I nodded my head, being the good daughter that I am.

We all sat at the dining table and ate the deliciously cooked meal, that consisted of baked sweet potatoes, steak and some red wine for my parents and cranberry juice for my brother an I.
"We're gonna have new neighbours." My dad said, breaking the comfortable silence. I looked up from my plate, curious to know about the neighbours. "Is it a family ?" I asked and took a bite of the juicy steak. My father who was still looking down at his plate, concentrating on cutting his steak with a fork and a knife, just nodded his head and took a bite of the steak and finally looked up at me. "It's a family, they're from England." My father informed and I nodded my head and looked down at my plate and resumed eating.  
"Unfortunately we won't be meeting them anytime soon." My mother said and took a sip from the glass of her red wine.
"Why is that ?" This time, it was my brother who asked the question, that too with his mouth full, causing a chunks of potatoes to fly out of his mouth and onto his napkin, my mother and I grimaced. "No talking with your mouthful remember ?" My mother reminded him and he rolled his eyes.
"You didn't answer my question, mom." Aron stated with a lazy grin on his face.
"Well, summer is gonna end soon and we'll be going back to New York." My mother said and I internally groaned.
"I wish this summer never ends!" I muttered.

After a few days, our new neighbour's arrived. A woman, a man and a boy who looked around my age and a girl who looked in her mid twenties. The boy managed to catch my attention as soon as stepped out of his Range Rover, the family was fully loaded with money. Their cars were a sight to sore eyes.

I was sitting on the doorsteps of my house when I first saw him. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with his sunglasses situated on the top of his head, pulling his brown curly hair back. He was sure a sight, a beautiful sight.

I kept staring at him and eventually, he turned his body towards me and squinted his eyes. I rolled my eyes and stood up, I walked up to him and stretched out my hand for him to shake. "Welcome, neighbour." I said with a smile on my face, I was waiting for him to take my hand but it never happened. "Hello...." He said, confused. "I'm your neighbour." I said, the smile still on my face. "Yea I know, you said that before, remember ?" He said and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. "What's your name, curly boy ?" I asked and he scoffed and shook his head, "Harry, Harry Styles. What about you, blondie ?" He said with a taunting smile and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Taylor Wilson!" I said and he nodded and then pointed towards his house with his thumb, "I'm gonna go inside now....." He trailed off and I nodded and stepped back.

And from that day onwards, Harry was just not Harry Styles anymore and Taylor was not Taylor Wilson anymore. They were Taylor and Harry, the invincible best friends.
They literally did everything for each other.
Like, convincing her parents to not leave the beach house and to permanently live there, obviously there were arguments about it but her "I'll die without him!" Dialogue did the work. Obviously she didn't mean it back then, but soon she started meaning those words.
The late night conversations started turning into addiction for Taylor.
The I love you's started meaning more to Taylor.
The "I like this girl," started hurting Taylor.

And soon Taylor was the girl who stood behind the curtains whilst Harry talked with other girls and went out with them.
She was the one who literally craved to mean something more to him, mean something more than just a best friend.

She soon turned into the a girl who stood behind him from the girl who used to stand beside him.

She turned into the The Girl He Never Noticed.

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