Chapter 3: The girl who sat behind him

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There are different groups of students in a classroom. There's a group filled with nerds with the teacher's pet being their 'leader', then there is an another group where you will only find the jocks and the cheerleaders, mocking the nerds and just being over cocky, there's a group of people sitting in the front and then there's the group of people always sitting at the back of the classroom, never really paying attention to what the teacher is teaching and always being either lost in their own world or looking at the mop of hair in front of them and in my case I was one of the back benchers.

As I sat behind Harry, I couldn't help but admire his hair. What shampoo does he use ? Did god made his hair himself ?  
"Ms. Swift! Would you like to tell the class what you were looking at and why you were looking at it ?" Mr. George's voice boomed loudly in the silent classroom and I quickly looked down at my notebook, pretending to write something down. "Uh nothing sir, there umm there was something on Harry's hair, that's it!" I said in hastily and pretended to get something out of Harry's hair, Harry snorted and looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at me. "Dandruff probably..." I said with a shrug and Harry's face turned red from embarrassment or anger.... I don't really know. The students started snickering, some whispering among themselves. Harry is going to kill you Taylor! "Chut! Get back to work everyone." Said Mr. George and almost immediately everyone's head were turned back to their books.


"Taylor! You're such an idiot!" Harry all but yelled , the librarian glared at him and pointed towards the 'silence' board and all I did was roll my eyes and bite into my apple. Yum! So juicy! So sweet! "Taylor! Are you even listening to a word that I am saying ?" Harry snapped and I let out a sigh and looked up at him, he was glaring at me, a fork clutched tightly in his hand. "You just made everyone think that I have dandruff in my hair for god's sake!" Harry said through gritted teeth and I leaned forward and looked him dead in the eye. "I saved myself from embarrassment by embarrassing you. That's what bestfriends do right ?" I said rather too sweetly. "You're just impossible," Harry said under his breath and I snorted, "You're the who is impossible! You're a hypocrite too!" I said angrily.
"Please elaborate, my lady," Harry said and glared at me.
"You know why I am accusing you for being a hypocrite." I shrugged and started packing my stuff inside my brown small fake leather bag. "Does the word 'scary movie' ring a bell ?" I whisper-yelled. "I said i'm sorry for what I said last night, what else do you want me to do ?" He said with sad eyes that I knew were going to melt my heart in a few minutes. "What you did was wrong! You're not the Harry that I know in front of that Lilly!" I exclaimed rather too loudly and the librarian huffed and motioned us to get out. Harry shook his head and got up from his chair with me following along.

As soon as we exited the library, I was hot on Harry's heels.
"You can just say sorry again you know ?" I yelled after him and at that he stopped on his tracks with me almost bumping into his chest but I caught myself and stood just inches away from him. "I'm sorry!" He said and started walking away again. "I forgive you! Imagine if you said that to Lilly," I said as I jogged up to him, trying to catch up with his speed walking. "I can't do that though, now can I Taylor ?" Harry yelled as we both stopped walking and I stepped back a little, afraid of his temper. "Well you can, she's your girlfriend you have the-"
"Yea! She is my girlfriend and you're my bestfriend. There is a difference." He said and with that he walked away, again. And at that moment I realised that he left me in an ally, a dark ally to be exact. That's not what a gentleman would do, my subconsciousness taunted and I groaned and stomped my way out of the ally.

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