Chapter 19: The girl who pushed

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As Ron laid on his bed that night all he could think about was the event that took place a year ago.

It was their mother's birthday and Taylor had come to visit them.

Everything was going great until their mother found Taylor cutting herself in the bathroom, the same bathroom where she saw blades the day Taylor was leaving for Uni.

As Taylor engraved a yet another H among other 'H's on her arm, her mother stood at the door with her hand on her mouth and tears escaping her eyes.

What scared Taylor's mother the most was the almost psychotic smile on Taylor's face.

"D-darling ?" Taylor's mother said softly and the blade fell from Taylor's hand and landed on the white tile of the bathroom, tainting it red.

"M-mom..." Taylor murmured and her mother walked towards Taylor, her hands trembling.

"Why ?" Her mother asked softly.

"I don't want to talk about it. Forget that you ever saw me doing this." Taylor said and walked past her. Her mother ran over to her and came to a stop at the stairs.

"Taylor, you need help. This is not healthy, darling." Her mother said softly and pushed a strand of Taylor's hair behind her ear.

"Stop it! I don't need any help." Taylor sat out harshly and her mother gasped.

"Darling, it'll be alright. You just need to talk to someone about your, your problem." Her mother pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Having enough of her mother, Taylor pushed her with all her might, sending her tumbling down the stairs. Taylor's mother shout was what made Ron to them.

Ron saw it all.

Ron saw how Taylor stood there with a smirk on her face.

How her mother screamed for help.

How Taylor mumbled the poem 'humpty dumpty' under her breath and bounced on her heels as if happy about pushing her mother down the stairs.

"What did you do?!" Ron yelled at Taylor as he quickly descended the stairs and called for their father. Ron put their mother's head on his lap and cried.

Their father came rushing in and as soon as he saw his wife's bloodied head he fell on his knees next to Ron and whispered soothing words to his wife who was now unconscious.

"Lay her on the couch, Taylor call the ambulance." Their father ordered as he proceeded to pick his wife up in his arms with the help of Ron who was not built enough, he was just a teenager for goodness sake!

Taylor stood frozen at the top of the staircase. "Call the damn ambulance!" Her father's voice boomed and Ron let out a sob.

"She's the one who-who pushed her down the stairs." Ron whispered loud enough for his father to hear.

Taylor's eyes met her father's eyes who was looking at her in disbelief.

Ron called for an ambulance as Taylor came down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Oops ?" She said and her father pulled Taylor by her arm and led her to the door.

"Get out and don't bother coming back." Her father said harshly and slammed the door close.

Taylor stood there. Staring at the closed door.

It's funny how easy it is to blame someone for what they did but it's never easy to hear the truth.

"Thanks for letting me take over," Darkness whispered in Taylor's ear and a tear finally fell down Taylor's cheek. 

A//N: I'm sorry for the short chapter but I think this needed to be in a separate chapter no matter how short. Have a nice day! 

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