Chapter 12: The girl who waited for him

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Song for the chapter: All I Want by Kodaline

Have you ever had days where you just want to stop everything you're doing, step back and take a look at yourself in the mirror ? That is how Taylor felt on that Sunday; the day which she was supposed to leave for Washington.

"I wonder if Harry would like this," Taylor whispered to herself as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror with a blade in her hand, blood dripping from her naked stomach, her other hand held her sweatshirt up to her chest, away from her stomach. "He would love it if you underline it," darkness whispered, Taylor looked down at her stomach, a part of her screamed at her, telling her to stop this madness but the other part, the part that was on the verge of totally consuming Taylor, darkness, told her that this was okay, maybe Harry would love her if she did this.

"Taylor, darling are you ready ?" Taylor's mother's voice pulled Taylor out of the trance she was in. Taylor hurriedly covered her stomach back with her sweatshirt and washed her hands, getting rid of the blood that stained her hands. "Yea! One minute," Taylor yelled and fixed her hair and walked over to her bathroom door, wincing because of what she did to her stomach. "Your dad is waiting downstairs, it's time sweetheart." Her mother said gently and pushed a lose strand of Taylor's hair behind her ear, smiling sadly at her. "I'll miss you," Taylor whispered, knowing that those were the words that her mother wanted to hear. Her parents were acting weird towards her lately, as if they were walking on thin ice. Taylor didn't blame them, how could she ? She would too be freaked out if she caught her child playing with the a barrel of a gun with a lazy smile on their face, or if she caught them drawing an 'X' on a photo of an innocent looking girl.
"I'll miss you too, Taylor." Her mother whispered back, her eyes brimming with tears. She suddenly pulled Taylor in a tight hug, her arms wrapped tightly around Taylor, tears streaming down her face. Her mother suddenly gasped, her eyes catching the sight of the bloody blade that was placed on the top of the bathroom counter. Her mother pulled back from the hug and grasped Taylor's face in her hands, shock written all over her face. "Why-" before her mother could finish, Ron's voice interrupted them. "The car is ready, dad's calling you both down." Ron said as he strolled inside Taylor's room with a baseball cap on his head, making him look silly because caps and Ron didn't go together, Taylor chuckled and fixed Ron's cap and they both left the room, laughing and teasing each other.

Taylor's mother looked over her shoulder, her hands trembling as she stared at the blade. "It's probably nothing," she whispered and casted a last glance at the blade before closing the bathroom door.


Taylor kept looking over her shoulder as she stood in a queue with her passport in her hand and bags in the other. "Darling, the queue is moving," the woman behind her said, snapping Taylor out of her thoughts. "Sorry," Taylor mumbled and walked forward. "Waiting for someone to show up ?" The polite woman asked Taylor, her wrinkled hand resting on Taylor's shoulder while a sad smile graced her face. Taylor shook her head and walked forward as the queue moved again. "I know that look, darling. You're waiting for the one you love, aren't you ?" The woman asked and Taylor nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. Was it that obvious ? Of course it was, Taylor scoffed inwardly. "I know how you're feeling right now, darling. I was once at your place. Don't worry, if he loved you enough then he would show up." The woman said with a nod and then her phone rang, excusing herself she answered the phone, leaving Taylor alone with her thoughts. "That's the reason why he won't come," Taylor whispered and with a final sigh she gave up any hope of Harry showing up and as she walked ahead a tear fell from her eye.

"Because he doesn't love me...." she thought and then just like in the movies a voice yelled "Don't go!"

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