Day 1

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 It finely happened.
Now I'm free.
Yesterday was my last day in St.Moriss hospital. All the nurses wrote me a nice letter which said that they hope never see me again. I said goodbye to my roommates,gave hugs and got some meds before I'll start my adult life,which is today, I think.
"Well Summer, it's your last day here? ",asked my psychiatrist and winked to me. I didn't really like Dr.Kurt,not because he was a doctor but because he likes to hug you so tight that you didn't want to hurt yourself or cry again.
"I hope that I won't come here back,I really want go back to west coast to my focks,settle down and find a job before going to college". My answers was short and full in information. I took deep breath and continued to speak because I knew he won't leave me. "I promise that I won't touch drugs again and I'll eat",saying the usual stuff...
My bags was packed and ready to go,and all I need is Dr.Kurt's permission to grab them and run the hell out of this hospital.
"Well it seems that all the papers was filled and you free to go",and with this saying I took my backpack and the suitcase.
Without any permission a rare smile slip through my lips.
A cab waited me down the entrance of the hospital, I put my stuff inside the baggage and enrter to the cab.
"Where you need to go?",asked me an old man with Russian accent. "To the train station please ",the men nod and started to drive. The way from the hospital to the train station wasn't so long and before I noticed I gave the driver 5 dollars bill,took my stuff and watched the driver drive back to the entrance of the parking lot.
well,it's time to go back to LA...

After I paid for the ticket I sat on one bench and take out a cigarette with a lighter. It's was hot outside and I enjoyed the hot wind of the beginning of the summer. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not ready to be 19 years old because almost all my teenage years was in a hospital with very few visiting from friends. It was when I was 15 and started to hurt myself, hanging with older people to get drugs and just escape my shitty life. My parents always fought because of the money and never noticed that something was not fine,only when they found me diying in my room they took me to New York to St.Moriss hospital. The reason to go to NY was because my very very rich uncle who paid for all the bills. My uncle was the only one who visited me since I've got hospitalized.
My train to LA came to the station, I threw away what left of the cigarette took my stuff and entered to the train.
Because I so happy to get my IPhone back with all my songs I put on full volume all my favorite music.
First I listened to BMTH, continued with Of Mice&Men and finnished with Issues.
The way from NY to LA took all night and I got really bad sleep. When the train got to his final station I got up,took my stuff and run out of the train. In the lobby my parents stand with huge smiles, which I knew were fake. My father held my bags and my mom gave me weak hug.
We entered to black Audi which probably was new. "We so glad to see you again! I'm so sorry that we couldn't come more to visit, but Jeremy told us about your progress!", I knew that their words were total bullshit,but I just smiled and nodded. My parents changed-my mom wear an expensive outfit and and more expensive earrings. Like I care.
I've noticed that they were happy. My presence in their life in the past was the problem in their relationship.
When we got home I tried not to run to my room, I promised my uncle to give them a chance.
"Happy birthday hunny!",well shit,I forgot my own birthday.
My mom gave me an envelope and smiled. When I found what was inside I thought about to forgive them.
"I know it won't correct what happened in the past but we can start over",my mom said. I wanted to cry,but instead I thanked them and asked to go for a walk.
My parents looked disappointed, but with understanding faces. When I closed the front door I started to go to the bus station to go to the beach. After I counted the right number of money that I needed I sat on a bench. The sun of the afternoon was warm and nice.

After I've got to my place I opened the envelope and stared at the ticket. I just came back home and they want to get rid of me ,even though it was ticket to Wrapped.
Fuck it,I'm going. I need to start from somewhere.
After couple hours I've came home, took long shower and went to sleep.  

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