Day 6

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It was the first night I had a good sleep. Maybe because Sky stayed with me for the night and hugged me all the night, even when I cried my soul out. We decided to ask my uncle if she can join us,as my coworker and help me with the interviews. In the morning my feeling inside was little more better and I'd mood to eat something,for the first time since the tour began. "Where are you going?",Sky asked."I'm going to find me food, want me to bring you something?",she nodded with agreement and cf closed the curtain to keep sleeping.
After I've got ready I got message from Austin.

want to go eat breakfast with me?i was on my waygreat, im going with you. Im outside your busSo fast?Yep

When I've opened the door I saw him sitting on the ground and starting at the sky. "Hey",it felt like I interrupted his but instead his face had an amazing smile." Hey",I couldn't resist and smiled to him. "I like your smile, he's so rare...".
My face got red and I could feel my check's getting hot. "Let's go,I'm starving! ", my temptation to change the subject.
"Lets go to Starbucks, the only place that is near by"," fine".
While going some fans recognised him so we had to stop couple times. When we finely got to our destination we both were starving.
When we got our food and coffee we found nice place to sit and each one was busy with his food. At first the silence was annoying but finally Austin decided to talk.
"Listen,what happened two days ago, I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable, I didn't want you to stop talking with us...","don't worry about it,everything is fine! ". I wish I could just tell him that I liked him but because I've was afraid and too stubborn to say this I was dommed to be left with this feeling. "I can see that you feel better","yeah, Sky talked with me and now I feel much better". For the next minutes we were quite again and I could se that Austin was thinking about something. "Are YOU OK?",but he just looked at me. "Promise me you won't freak out and run","I promise". He took deep breath and split the words out. "Will you go out with me?".for a second I didn't know what to say. "I don't know, we barely know each other... ",his face wasn't disappointed so he knew what my answer is going to be. "I know, its the point". I hesitated for a second and finally asked, "isn't it total unprofessional to date your coworkers?", he laughed at me.
"it's fine,don't worry". I've tried to believe him.

"I knew he will ask you out",Sky stated and put another spoon of her ice cream. "Shut up...maybe it won't work out",she laughed and said with mouth full of ice cream -"let me dream about it,maybe you'll arrange me someone... ","Oli is engaged, don't hope", more laughs."I still think it isn't professional to date my coworkers","I've dated many of my coworkers","I thought you worked there only a week"," I had another jobs you know". We kept laughing and eating while I've tried to find something to wear, but my bad feeling stated to grow more and more inside my head.

Because today the bands had more interviews I had another day off and I decided to go sit in a coffee shop and relax with music and write in my diary. After I found a quite place I found a corner where I could watch all the customers but they couldn't see me. After a while near the door started a fuss,so I've decided to see what happened. I saw a girl with blue hair, which desperately needed a was trying to escape the shop but the cashier didn't give her a chance to do it. "You need to pay this", "but I've paid! The man who was after me didn't pay! ", she screamed desperately. I felt really bad that everyone was laughing at her and no one tried to help. "I'll pat instead of her",I could hear myself saying. "It will be five dollars ", I gave her the bill and went back to my place. Couple minutes after the girl slide to my place and stared at me. "I'm Hannah, thanks". When she stood up to leave me I asked her to stay. "What happen?","don't worry,everything is fine","i can see that you're laying".
Hannah told me that she ran away from her home, because she couldn't stand her family and her depression. I could see scars on her hands and when she saw that my eyes looked at her wrists she pulled down the sleeves of her jacket. "Don't be scared, I have scars too".
Because she didn't have place to go to I've decided to take het to my "place".  

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