Day 60

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  Today was the last day of warped.
The month passed fast and every second of this month made me feel worse and fucked up. I love Austin but I can't forgive him for hiding things from me,even if it look stupid but I hate when people lie and hide something important from me. It kill's me.

The last day of warped was in New York,the place I knew better than my home...
When we came here all the memories rose to my head and left me helpless,making my chest hurt like someone took a huge hammer and slammed it against me non-stop.
My days was filled with work and the attempts to avoide every person who's connected to OM&M. I was more than happy to finish with this torture and come back to LA,start the real life and do something with my useless life.

Tommorow in the early hours I had my plane back to LA from JFK-NY and because I knew I'll lazy to pack my stuff I've decided to do it when I wake up and then go my last work day.
Because I did'nt had the time to fold every cloth I just threw it to the suitcase and closed everything. The bunk looked clean when the disaster of my clothings dissapeared,and I was partly happy that I finished with that part.

Soon enough I exited the bus and went towards the back stage to wish everyone a great day and participate in the morning routine,which today will be diffrent becouse the bands had their closing shows and the staff had to make everything work as planned.

As soon as the first band finished with their gig I was full with fan mail and gifts that I had to bring for each band I was responsible on. Since I was busy on thinking about the torture I had to go through I did'nt put to much attention to my way and bummped into someone,and because I had this shitty luck the one who was in my way was Austin-the one and only...
"Hello", just cold and hurt tone which fitted my feelings right now.
"You happy to go back to LA?"
"Yes.I need to go and do my work"
"Oh, okey I won't disturb you"
I could see that he was hurt from my behavior and the cold attitude. I want to talk with him and make things right but I was to stubborn and proud to make the first move.
While I walked to PTV's bus I could feel Austin's gaze burn my back.

I knew that Hannah will be at PTV's bus so I could afford myself couple minutes to relax and talk with my friend,since Sky was in LA living her dream and to busy to answer any phone calls. I knocked my personal knock which I decided to dedicate to myself so I won't come in when Vic and Hannah making out or doing some other disgusting things.
"Come in Summer!"
"Are you alone?"
"Just me and the ice cream"
I opened the door,grabbing behind me loads of fan mail and presents which was ment to PTV.
"I see you came with presents", Hannah laughed at me.
"Just be happy I have this shit in my hands or I'd hit you in the face",we laughed again and went totaly quite.
"Still mad on Austin?"
"You know he come here every night to talk with Vic,and I need Vic's love,not Austin",her face was annoyed but I knew she care.
"What they talk about?"
"The same-you"
"I'm sure that Alan figured out that he fucked up really hard"
In this case she just stayed quite and just nodded her head with agreement.
"Well I need to go...there's more mail and presents that I need to deliver",Hannah nodded againg and put into her mouth full spoon of ice cream.

Later this day I became more impatient and felt like I'm gonna to explode. I saw my friends having fun but Austin was always around them,not giving me the chance to talk even with Hannah. The night came realy fast and the venue emptied really fast. There was a totall mess-packing and yelling,vehicles were leaving the parking lot.
Because some of the bands came from far away they had to leave earlier then the bands from the states.
Just before BMTH left for their flight I've decided to give a damn on Austin and say goodbay to my British friends.

"Hey sykes! you can't leave without saying me goodbay!"
"Come here", Oliver's hug was warm and left me with this comforting feeling that every thing will be fine. After I've finished with Oli I hugged the Matt's,Lee and Jordan. We agreed to talk with each other at least one a week and meet as soon as we can.
It was hard to say goodbay to the people who made you feel good when you were together,but at least I've got to meet them and have a great tour.  

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