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James walked out of the aquarium, Mummy would already be outside with the Porsche waiting. James narrowed his eyes when he saw their BMW instead of the Porsche. Has Father gone on another business trip and hasn't informed him?
James walked up to the car and knocked on the window exactly three times. Mummy unlocked the car and James quietly got in. He tried to keep quiet and therefore delay the oncoming lecture he'd get. "James Barnabas Collins, you are in deep trouble." Mummy said. James continued to stare out the window. "You didn't tell me where you were going or when you'd return." Mummy continued. James noticed he was running his hands up and down his thighs again. He followed his hands with his eyes. "You don't can do this!" James' eyes travelled to the steering wheel. "Can't." He corrected. "What?" Mummy looked at him. "You can't do this." He repeated. Mummy sighed. "Még minding bajban vagy." (You're still in trouble.) Mummy stated in Hungarian. James didn't understand why she was making him talk to her in English, it was clearly hard for her and she also made mistakes so why not just talk in Hungarian? After all, Mummy was Hungarian. "Elnézést, elrepűlt az idő amig Senannal beszélgettem." (I'm sorry. I got caught up with talking to Senan.) James answered. "Kivel?" (Talking with who?) Mummy asked back. "Ja, tényleg. Nem is mondtam, szerintem szereztem egy új barátot." (Oh right. I didn't tell you, I think I made a friend.) James explained. "Hát ez nagyon jó, James. Hol talákoztál ezzel a barátoddal?" (Well, that's nice, James. Where did you meet this new friend of yours?) Mummy asked. James soon launched into one of his monologues. He'd talk on and on about the topic and forget that the other person would probably want to talk too. "James, ez nagyon jó, hogy szereztél egy új barátot. De mit mondtam az idegenekkel beszélgetésről?" (James, it's nice that you made a new friend but what have I told you about talking to strangers?) Mummy said when James was finished. "Azt hogy, ne áljak szób idegenekel mert ki tudja, hogy mit akarnak. De akkor, hogy szerezzek barátokat, mami?" (That I shouldn't talk to strangers because who knows what they are up to. But how should I make friends then, Mummy) James answered. Mummy sighed, and pulled up in front of their mansion. "Úgy hogy, inkább suliban álsz szóba emberekkel, mint a metrón." (By talking to people in school, rather than on the metro.) Mummy answered. They got out of the car and started walking into the house. "I graduated already." James muttered. Mummy opened the door and they were greeted by Karolin, their housekeeper. "Hi, Karolin." James said quickly and went up to his room.
James put down his TARDIS backpack down and took out his Russian books. Mr Yosef had assigned him an essay to write about a short story they had read together. He put his phone out onto the desk, he was about to select the song he'd be starting with when the phone buzzed.

U still alive?

Its Senan, btw.

Read the messages from the number Senan had given James. James stared at the messages, what was he supposed to answer? He stared at the words. What could go wrong, he wondered and started typing.

Yes, still alive. Mummy lectured me in Hungarian, though.

James read his text over a few times and deemed it alright. James had only texted his parents before and never one of his peers. He had no idea what was 'appropriate' or as they referred to it 'cool'.  But Senan seemed to like him, so he wasn't all that worried. Although it still made him a bit worried.

Y Hungarian? Is ur mum Hungarian or smth?

Yes. My dad's half-English, half-Irish by the way.

Noice. Idk what I am tho. I was adopted.

Oh, that's interesting...

James had no idea what to answer to that. It was, in fact, interesting, as he had no idea what being adopted was like. Maybe he'd ask... "James, kész a vacsora gyere le enni!" (James, dinner's ready come and eat!) Mummy's voice interrupted his train of thought. James sighed, and stood up to leave.

I have to go eat dinner now. I'll talk to you later if you'd like...

Bon appetite, my smol bean! XD and sure text me after ur done.

James looked at the text, what was 'smol bean' supposed to mean? He'd have to look that up later. But for now, he'd have to see what Mummy has made for dinner and pray to every god he knew of that it wouldn't involve peas.

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